介绍葡萄酒的英文作文 英文: Wine is a fascinating and complex beverage that has been enjoyed by people around the world for centuries. As a wine enthusiast, I have always been intrigued by the rich history and diverse flavors of different types of wine. One of the most popular types of ...
More than just a wine, Lafite represents a lifestyle, a celebration of fine living, and a testament to the enduring legacy of excellence that has spanned generations. For those fortunate enough to savor its bounty, each sip is a journey through time, taste, and tradition....
英文介绍法国葡萄酒的作文 Winemaking in France is a tradition that dates back to the Roman era, where grapes were first cultivated. The country is renowned for its diverse wine regions, each with its unique terroir that influences the character of the wines produced. The climate and soil in ...
意大利利勤地酒很烈。 Lambrusco is very light red wine. 蓝布鲁斯科葡萄酒是一种味道非常淡的红葡萄酒。 Rioja is a full-bodied red wine. 里奥哈酒是一种醇厚红葡萄酒。 Talking about origin介绍产地 A Bordeaux is from south-west France.
意大利利勤地酒很烈。 Lambrusco is very light red wine. 蓝布鲁斯科葡萄酒是一种味道非常淡的红葡萄酒。 Rioja is a full-bodied red wine. 里奥哈酒是一种醇厚红葡萄酒。 Talking about origin介绍产地 A Bordeaux is from south-west France.
葡萄酒色香味的英文介绍 Color: The color of wine can vary greatly, ranging from pale yellow to deep purple. White wines typically have a range of colors, including light straw, golden yellow, or even amber hues. Red wines can have colors that range from light ruby to deep garnet or even...
拉菲红酒(Château Lafite-Rothschild),是指拉菲酒庄出品的红酒,法国波尔多五大名庄之一,历史悠久。拉菲酒花香、果香突出,芳醇柔顺,典雅,称为葡萄酒王国中的皇后。2014年3月26日法国总统奥朗德在爱丽舍宫为习近平和夫人彭丽媛举行了盛大国宴,前道菜就是佐1997年的吕萨吕斯酒堡葡萄酒,主菜配1997年拉菲红酒。...
即英文的White from black,指由85%或以上红葡萄,常是黑品诺,酿造而成的呈金黄色或微粉红色的气泡葡萄酒。 Bland 平淡、乏味 用来形容一种葡萄酒缺乏可辨别的特质的感觉,但这样的葡萄酒不一定有工艺上的瑕疵。 Blend 混和 两种或以上葡萄品种、年份、或不同产地葡萄的混和,以提高葡萄酒的质量、复杂性或维持产品...
长相思(Sauvignon Blanc) 原产自法国波尔多产区,适合温和的气候,特别喜欢生长在石灰质土上。主要用来制造多果味、早熟、简单易饮的干白葡萄酒。长相思(Sauvignon Blanc) 的酸味重,香味非常浓,常有一股青草味。原产法国,是法国古老的酿酒品种。我国最早是于1892年由西欧引入山东烟台,在80年代又多次从法国等国家...