"If a man in the morning hear the right way, he may die in the evening without regret."秦...
Confucius says , " Having heard the Way in the morning , one may die content in the evening. " 子曰: “ 朝闻道, 夕死可矣. ”
词汇朝闻道,夕死可矣 释义朝闻道,夕死可矣 成语拼音 zhao wen dao,xi si ke yi 成语拼读 zhāo wén dào,xī sǐ kě yǐ 使用实例 你既觉悟了朝闻道,夕死可矣,却怎么刬地怕风涛。 明·朱权《冲漠子》第三折 成语解释 早晨闻道,晚上死去。形容对真理或某种信仰追求的迫切。
4.7 子曰:“人之过也,各于其党。观过,斯知仁矣。” Confucius said: “People’s mistakes can be classified. You see the mistakes and you know the people.” 4.8 子曰:“朝闻道,夕死可矣。” Confucius said: “You hear the truth in the morning, and you can die without anything to regret....
选出对《论语》词语的英文翻译不够理想的一项: A、理雅各将“朝闻道”的“道”翻译成“the right way”,即“正道”“正确的道路”。 B、阿瑟·韦利将“道”翻译为大写的“Way”,表达“道”的宏大精深的哲学本体论意义。 C、理雅各将“夕死可矣”的“可矣”翻译成“without regret”,以表达“死而无憾”的...
谢邀。参考链接:https://www.writtenchinese.com/10-inspirational-chinese-proverbs-from-confucius/ ...
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If one learns the Way in the morning, one can find contentment in death at night.Learn the ...
谢邀。参考链接:https://www.writtenchinese.com/10-inspirational-chinese-proverbs-from-confucius/ ...