2020年高考英语写作素材:端午节的故事 (一)屈原投江 (one) Qu Yuan River 为了纪念爱国诗人屈原,居民为了不让跳下汨罗江的屈原尸体被鱼虾吃掉,所以在江里投下许多用竹叶包裹的米食(粽子),并且竞相划船(赛龙船)希望找到屈原的尸体。 To commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, residents in order not to let ...
屈原跳河的故事简写英语作文 英文回答: The story of Qu Yuan's suicide by jumping into the river is a tragic tale in Chinese history. Qu Yuan was a renowned poet and statesman during the Warring States period in ancient China. He was deeply devoted to his country and its people, and he ...
关于端午节,还有一个历史故事。有一个政府官员叫屈原,在宫廷里不被重用,被皇帝是宠了!之后他就跳河自尽。所以人们为了纪念他,就包粽子投入江里喂笼,希望笼不要去吃他! 青云英语翻译 请在下面的文本框内输入文字,然后点击开始翻译按钮进行翻译,如果您看不到结果,请重新翻译!
2015年高考英语写作素材:端午节的故事 (一)屈原投江 (one) Qu Yuan River 为了纪念爱国诗人屈原,居民为了不让跳下汨罗江的屈原尸体被鱼虾吃掉,所以在江里投下许多用竹叶包裹的米食(粽子),并且竞相划船(赛龙船)希望找到屈原的尸体。 To commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, residents in order not to let ...
屈原,中国古代伟大的诗人和政治家,以其爱国主义和文学成就而闻名。他最著名的作品是史诗《离骚》,也称为《哀时命》。然而,他也因悲痛绝望而投身于汨罗江而备受追忆。 Born in 340 BC during the Warring States period, Qu Yuan served as an official in the state of Chu. He was known for his wisdom an...