Ca2+ participates in alpha1B-adrenoceptor-mediated cAMP response in HEK293 cells. Aim: To investigate the α 1B -adrenoceptor (α 1B -AR)-mediated cAMP response and underlying mechanisms in HEK293 cells. Methods: Full-length cDNA encod... Y Song,LI Yun-Fang,ED Dong,... - 《中国药理...
Lkn-1 also mediated IKK/NF-kappaB phosphorylations in HEK293 cells overexpressing CCR1 and Galpha(14/16). Using various kinase inhibitors, Raf-1, MEK1/2, PLCbeta, PKC, CaM, CaMKII, and c-Src were found to participate in Lkn-1-stimulated IKK/NF-kappaB phosphorylations in THP-1 and ...
HEK293 CELLSCALCIUMPURIFICATIONSUBUNITCLONINGMartentoxin as a 37-residue peptide was capable of blocking large-conductance Ca2+- activated K+ (BK) channels in adrenal medulla chromaffin cells. This study investigated the pharmacological discrimination of martentoxin on BK channel subtypes. The results ...
Biogenes GmbH——HEK293 | 360-HCP ELISA KITS Biogenes GmbH——CHO | 360-HCP ELISA KITS Arbor Assays——黄体酮/孕酮代谢物定量试剂盒 脂多糖(LPS),你需要知道的...MyBioSource MBS167814 人雷帕霉素靶蛋白 mTOR MyBioSource MBS164130 人胎盘蛋白13 PP13 MyBioSource MBS160975 抗大疱性类天疱...