In the process of over 5000 years of civilization development, the Chinese nation has created a profound and brilliant culture.We need to systematically sort out traditional cultural resources, bringing to life the cultural relics collected in the Forbidden Palace, the heritage displayed on the vast ...
Directions: In this pa rt of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. Af ter each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen caref ully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard a...
(D) Because it can be seen on many printed matters./ 最新英语高级口译考试笔试真题 2 Directions: In this part of the test,youwillhearapassageand read thesamepassage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corre...
英语高级口译考试真题听力 英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test,youwillhearapassageand read thesamepassage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape...
高级口译笔试真题 第一部分:听力(30分钟,50分) SECTION 1 LISTENING TEST 45 minutes Part A Spot dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the...
《高级口译真题》由iowyn创作,目前已更新24个节目,包含19 试卷七(1803)-第1阶段笔试-Section 1、20 试卷七(1803)-第1阶段笔试-Section 4、21 试卷七(1803)-第2阶段口译、22 试卷八(1809)-第1阶段笔试-Section 1、23 试卷八(1809)-第1阶段笔试-Section 4等内容。用声音分享
9月英语高级口译真题+答案(1) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the world or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space...
高级口译全真题.pdf,高级口译全真题 目录 高级 口译岗位资格证书考试大纲(2 002 年版) 4 试卷一 9 上海市英语高级 口译资格证书第 • 段考试 9 SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 m inutes)9 Part A: Sp t Dictati n 9 Part B Listening C mprehensi n 9 ; SECTION 2: READI