预付款的英文是advance payment。 预付款的基本英文表达 预付款,在日常交流和商务活动中,通常被翻译为英文的“advance payment”。这一表述直观且准确地传达了预付款的本质,即提前支付的款项。在各类合同中,尤其是涉及大额交易或长期合作的协议中,预付款条款往往扮演着至关重要的角色。它确保...
销售预付款合同英文范本Contract Number: [Insert Contract Number] Date: [Insert Date] Parties Involved: 1. Seller: [Seller's Name], [Seller's Address], [Seller's Contact Information] 2. Buyer: [Buyer's Name], [Buyer's Address], [Buyer's Contact Information] Subject Matter: This Sales ...
预付款有两种情况: 一、是作为进口商执行合同的保证,通常称为订金,预付的期限短,占交易金额的比重不大; 二、另一种是进口商对出口商提 正文 1 advance payment预付款是买方在交易合同签订后即向卖方支付一定金额的预付款。此方式不利于买方,一般在交易货物供不应求时采用。买方要负担商业风险、积压资金,...
本合同签订之日起 ___ 日内,买方应当向卖方(波马北京)支付预付款100万元,该款项支付之日起卖方应当进行本项目的设计工作,并按照合同约定提交设计成果和完成设计事项。 ___ days after the Contract signature, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller (POMA Beijing) () (ten thousand yuan) as the down payment....
外商合同预付款英文模板 Title: Advance Payment in Foreign Trade Contracts English Template。 In the realm of international trade, advance payment is a common practice that is often employed to mitigate the risks associated with cross-border transactions. When engaging in foreign trade contracts, it ...
工程合同中有关预付款的约定中英文对照工程合同中有关预付款的约定中英文对照CLAUSES OF ADVANCE PAYMENT预付款 advance payments预付款的支付payment of advance payments预付款支付
钢材预付款合同范本 英文回答: Prepayment contracts for steel materials are commonly used in the construction industry. These contracts help ensure that the buyer has a steady supply of steel materials while also providing the seller with the necessary funds to meet production and delivery requirements....
预付款 英文怎么说 我在写一份合同,其中的付款方式为: “合同签订时支付50%预付款,发货后30天支付剩余货款” 请问以上这句怎么翻译呢~
本合同以中文和英文两种文字写成,具有同等法律效力。上述两种文本如有不符,应以中文文本为准。 IN WITNESS THEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Contract to be executed by its duly authorized representative onthe date first set forth above. 双方已于本合同首页所载日期通过其正式授权的代表...
fidic合同红皮书预付款的定义 (中英文实用版) 英文文档: The definition of advance payment in the FIDIC Red Book The FIDIC Red Book, officially known as the Conditions of Contract for Construction, is widely used in international engineering and construction projects.Within the Red Book, the advance ...