【剑桥雅思听力C16-Test 2-S3解析】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑雅16Test 2Section3答案解析、题干关键词及原文定位。备考练习雅思听力C16-Test 2-S3,上雅思考满分。
【剑桥雅思听力C16-Test 3-S2解析】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑雅16Test 3Section2答案解析、题干关键词及原文定位。备考练习雅思听力C16-Test 3-S2,上雅思考满分。
Assignment on sleep and dreams 21Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that A. our memories cannot cope with too much information. B. we might otherwise be confused about what is real. C. we do not think they are important. ...
即经验不是必要的,由此确定C为正确答案。 第20题答案:G 对应原文:Perks of the job include the possibility of renting a small cottage on the estate 答案解析:该工作的福利包括租住一间小木屋,即提供住宿,由此确定G为正确答案。 剑桥雅思16Test3Part1听力答案解析 Junior Cycle Camp 剑桥雅思16Test3Part3...
> 雅思听力真题 > 剑16 Test 2 Part 3 详解 原文 00:00 Questions 21-24Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Assignment on sleep and dreams 21 Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that A our memories cannot cope with too much information. B we might otherwise be...
显示答案 00:00 00:00 Speed X1.0 Questions 25-30 Complete the flow chart below. WriteONE WORD ONLYfor each answer. 25 26 27 28 29 30 原文 译文 SUSIE: So shall we plan what we have to do for this assignment? LUKE: OK. SUSIE: First, we have to decide on our research question. ...
剑桥雅思16 Test3 Part2雅思听力原文 Hello everyone. My name’s Megan Baker and I’m a recruitment consultant at AVT Recruitment specialists Now, our company specialises in positions that involve working in the agriculture and horticulture sectors, so that’s fresh food production, garden and park...
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