剑桥雅思16Test2Part3听力答案解析 Assignment on sleep and dreams 剑桥雅思16 test2 part3雅思听力原文 SUSIE:So Luke, for our next psychology assignment we have to do something on sleep and dreams. LUKE:Right. I’ve just read an article suggesting why we tend to forget most of our dreams soon...
去精听 显示答案 00:00 00:00 Speed X1.0 Questions 21-24 Choose the correct letter,A,BorC. Assignment on sleep and dreams 21Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that A. our memories cannot cope with too much information. ...
答案解析:该工作的福利包括租住一间小木屋,即提供住宿,由此确定G为正确答案。 剑桥雅思16Test3Part1听力答案解析 Junior Cycle Camp 剑桥雅思16Test3Part3听力答案解析 Artificial sweeteners 剑桥雅思16Test3Part4听力答案解析 Hand knitting
解析 登录查看答案解析登录 22 What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future? A It may just be due to chance. B It only happens with certain types of event. C It happens more often than some people think. 解析 登录查看答案解析登录 ...
@海南环球雅思教育资讯有限公司剑桥雅思16答案 海南环球雅思教育资讯有限公司 剑桥雅思16的答案包括阅读和听力部分,具体答案如下: 阅读部分Passage 1的答案为:1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. B。Passage 2的答案为:1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8....
听力分析 总览:11月16日的雅思听力考试整体难度中等,题型方面整体比较常规,Part1&4是填空题,Part2出现地图题及单选题,Part3为常规的单选题+匹配题的组合。不过考生普遍反映选择题“又臭又长”,对于不少考生来说,还没看几道题音频就开始放了,同学们注意要提升快速审题的能力。
答题 去精听 显示答案 00:00 00:00 Speed X1.0 Questions 11 and 12 ChooseTWOletters,A-E. According to Megan, what are theTWOmain advantages of working in the agriculture and horticulture sectors? A. the active lifestyle B. the above-average salaries ...
Part 2 Q11参考答案:C 题目解析:本题为时间考点。单选题中出现时间考点必有干扰,即三个选项都可能出现。题干中重要定位词为‘founded’,‘成立’有若干同义转换方式,比方说set up/establish等。首先听到‘...when he left school, that’s in 1923’,接着‘he set up his company... in 1926’。出现了...
本篇为剑桥雅思 16-T2-P3的听力解析。 往期回顾: 剑桥雅思16 听力整体分析 | 雅思听力 剑桥雅思听力16-1-1解析 (1)| 雅思听力 剑桥雅思听力16-1-1解析 (2)| 雅思听力 剑桥雅思听力16-1-2解析 | 雅思听力 剑桥雅思听力16-1-3解析 | 雅思听力 ...