They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home.Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom. 来自Android客户端5楼2018-03-02 09:26 回复 vladimirvin 秘鲁战神 12 And for us at home -- fathers,...
· Rightful King Returns: Their mission remains the same as before; the purification of the country in the name of calling Tsar Alexei forth. It also remains just as possible. · Small Name, Big Ego: Despite their dreams of restoring the Holy Russian Empire's original borders, it's clear ...
one where it might be in alliance with the entire Entente, if theking elected to support the Guard’s failed attempt. The new republic might finditself very shortly in a fight for its life, one where the best outcome mightbe to seize New Zealand and hold it long enough for the Entente...
The theme of the design for Ethiopia was actually twofold. Firstly it is about survival. As mentioned, you start under attack from Italy. Outgunned and outmanned. So initially you will mainly focus on finding a way to survive. There will be a few different options there, some that will be...
First you might have noticed, that Haile Selassie has himself a new trait - with one of the cooler names so far in HoI history 首先你可能已经注意到了,海尔塞拉西有了他自己的新特质——以及钢铁雄心历史上最酷的名字之一。 And the country also starts with a set of national spirits (compared to...
The Kingdom of Sardinia are the remnantsof the former Kings of Italy ousted and exiled to Sardinia to form a newKingdom there under the terms dictated to us by Austria which is a pain thatwill never be forgotten by our nation.撒丁尼亚王国是前意大利王国的残渣。在奥地利将停战协定强加于我们...
In this patch we addressed some of the more common reports from the community, as well as balance and performance fixes. 在这次的补丁中我们解决了一些在社区中反映的比较多的问题,也进行了一些平衡和性能的修正。 As tech lead, I'm very happy to announce that the programmer team did a great job...
Hours after the ceasefire was announced,we started pushing back against Husain's rebels. Britain, who goaded him intowar, left his ''Kingdom of Hedjaz'' for dead, and little to no effort was madeto aid it; they were expendable, and the error of they ways evident. How didthe old man...
"Your attempts at shirking your duties to the Team will not be tolerated. Discussion of the Classical Period is wholly unacceptable behaviour for a HoI4 citizen; publication of treasonous material is a crime far, far worse. You are hereby stripped of your rank and sentenced to the mines in...
"Your attempts at shirking your duties to the Team will not be tolerated. Discussion of the Classical Period is wholly unacceptable behaviour for a HoI4 citizen; publication of treasonous material is a crime far, far worse. You are hereby stripped of your rank and sentenced to the mines in...