OTL就是现实世界的历史,不是mod,全称Our Time Line,也就是“我们的时间线”也可以写作“Original Time Line”(“最初的世界线”,因为所有架空历史mod都是从现实衍生的)或者“Our The Line”(“我们的这个世界线”) 来自Android客户端2楼2024-11-15 23:17 收起回复 小...
在此过程中,我们可以惊讶地发现:KR世界线的战间期发展与OTL(Our Time Line, 下略)完全相反,但在战...
架空历史,即因为少数几个分歧点(Divergence Point)而导致历史走向与我们现实生活中的“本世界线”(OTL,Our/Original Time Line)不同的历史时间线。架空世界发端于小说体材,如家喻户晓的高堡奇人,临高启明等。举个例子:皇帝之国(KR)世界线,分歧点为1915年德皇并未同意实行无限制潜艇战,形成了一个因德国赢得一战,...
4.架空历史 架空历史(Alternative History),即因为少数几个分歧点(Divergence Point)而导致历史走向与我们现实生活中的“本世界线”(OTL,Our/Original Time Line)不同的历史时间线。架空世界发端于小说体材,如家喻户晓的高堡奇人,临高启明等。 举个例子:皇帝之国(KR)世界线,分歧点为1915年德皇并未同意实行无限制...
otl算钢四的梗吗?..我在b站看见有人发言中因为带otl被好几个人回复“别刷钢四梗”,上吧群问,大伙都说不是钢四梗,上谷歌直接搜otl或者our time line、original time line都没有钢四,给俺整糊
如果没有获得成就Time is on our side,这两个成就会同时获得。如果转向法西斯、加入轴心国且没有加入与德国有关的任何战争的话,可以以看海的方式取得该成就(不使用 抵抗运动DLC,使用法国默认国策树)。 1.0 简单 Wunderwaffen 奇迹武器 研究完成所有火箭、核、喷气式飞机科技。 研究完成: 先进火箭引擎 喷气引擎 核...
And finally, we have the addition of Camels to our long lineup of tools with which to wage war. While we showed off Camelry as a unit for Turkey, it is also available for a number of other countries that historically operated Camel units during the game’s timeframe, such as the Brit...
And finally, we have the addition of Camels to our long lineup of tools with which to wage war. While we showed off Camelry as a unit for Turkey, it is also available for a number of other countries that historically operated Camel units during the game's timeframe, such as the Briti...
Increased research bonuses. We may have low-balled our estimates a bit on the new research impacts, where the idea was that it would be faster overall despite many of the new techs. To accommodate that research companies have been improved along with ministers and the computer techs have also...
otl就是our time line即现实 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-01-27 11:11 收起回复 寒酥 北方灯塔 11 不是,otl里德国(日耳曼国)输了一战二战,扬基美国和苏联(红沙俄)变成两极打冷战,然后苏联解体了,美国成为世界霸主但是在逐渐衰弱的故事,是个非常的扯淡的魔幻时间线 来自Android客户端3楼2022-01-27 15:41 回...