然后右击点了兼容性疑难问题,得出图片中结果,是不是win10不兼容这个游戏啊 4124 钢铁雄心4吧 sdhizhj 萌新求助:1.10.7报错,提示steam error 美女镇楼如图所示: 咋着,求救! === 附送美女镇楼: 分享127 钢铁雄心4吧 超级吃啊啊啊 求助这怎么办? 分享15 钢铁雄心4吧 宝宝丨哭 求助游戏打不开。。真的打不开...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 从你描述的问题来看,你在玩《钢铁雄心4》这款游戏时打到43年部队一多就闪退,并且报错信息显示“Paradox Crash Reporter”和“An error occurred and the application quit unexpectedly. A crash report has been generated which could help us to fix issue ...
This can appear likeLastRead: map/supply_nodes.txt (727)(Where the number represents the line of the file that was last read before the crash occurred) orLastRead: client_ping (1). Note that while -crash_data_log enables debug mode, not all benefits of the launch option get applied by...
The most common use of flags is to simply to mark a certain event (in the generic sense of a word, not necessarily the in-game event mechanic) as having occurred, such as an election, an invasion, a diplomatic deal, et cetera. For example, here's an event that starts off an ...
I will first give the word to @bcareil, who will talk a little bit about error notifications for mod-users: 首先我将把话筒交给@bcareil,他会稍微讲讲给Mod用户的报错提醒: ___ We have noticed that a significant portion of our crashes occurred due to people running outdated mods with 1.9.1...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 从问题描述来看,你在玩钢铁雄心4(一款战争策略游戏)的时候遇到了错误弹窗。这种问题可能由多种原因导致:1. 软件自身的问题:这可能是游戏的某个bug或者与你的电脑不兼容的版本。你可以尝试更新或重新安装该软件看看是否可以解决问题。如果是在线多人游戏,可能需要...
The file has to be encoded in UTF-8-BOM - the UTF-8 encoding with the EFBBBF byte order mark at the beginning of the file. The game throws an error in the log if this is not met. The localisation values must be assigned to a database with the same name as the internal language....
occurred when units were selected in secondary mapmode but was showing still the unit movement info * Attacked units now can attack on their own * Made possible to declare war on puppets if already at war with master * Now subjects can always join master's wars * Fixed the bug when ...
Fix for CTD that occurred after reloading focus trees added console command "ai_pp_log" to log AI use of PP has_idea trigger is no longer affected by order of files in database. Fixed a crash when painting cities on the edge of the map. Added possibility to hide parts of the focus ...
This can appear likeLastRead: map/supply_nodes.txt (727)(Where the number represents the line of the file that was last read before the crash occurred) orLastRead: client_ping (1). Note that while -crash_data_log enables debug mode, not all benefits of the launch option get applied by...