分享94 钢铁雄心4吧 _衹戦之殇__ 开个档打到42年无限跳出 打开error.log有如下显示 请问可以解决[21:31:24][virtualfilesystem_physfs.cpp:990]: Invalid filename found: 新建文件夹[21:31:24][lexer.cpp:71]: File 'mod/chinesetrans.mod' should be in utf8-bom encoding (will try to use it ...
希望能帮助我 分享203 钢铁雄心4吧 贴吧用户_G6PKQ1e 求助进不去游戏怎么办点开始游戏就弹窗显示An error has occured and the application quit unexpectedly. A crash report has been generated which could help us to fix the issue in a future release. 分享11 钢铁雄心4吧 gkmmmm🔯 钢铁雄心4启动不...