记英语后面的英语:Amnesty大赦用英语怎么说? 记英语背后的英语:Trouble困难用英语怎么说? 记英语背后的英语:Infamous口碑差用英语怎么说? 记英语后面的英语:Borrow借入用英语怎么说? 记英语后面的英语:Medium-rare三分熟用英语怎么说? 记英语的英语:Agree同意用英语怎么说? 记英语的英语:Rare牛扒一分熟用英语怎么说...
英语作为一门语言,其主要作用就是为了进行日常的交流。因此,口语作为交际的一个重要方式,在各类商务场景中显得尤为重要。这期整理了商务洽谈场景中常用的口语表达,快马住学习起来吧~ 01 价格谈判 Is that your quoted price? 这是你方的价格吗? This is the lowest p...
为了帮助大家更好地达成目标,小耐姐这次为大家整理了一些重要且常用的商务谈判英文词汇,如“Bottom line”(底线)、“reach consensus”(达成共识)、“Highball”(高价)、“Lowball”(低价)、“Counter proposal”(反提案)等。同时,也罗列了在设定议程...
商务英语谈判篇一 Business Negotiation A: The seller Miss su representingKai ya Chocolate Manufacturing Co.Ltd B: The buyer Mr.zhou representing zhong shang supermarket.A: Good morning, Mr.Zhou.Glad to meet you.B: Good morning, Miss su.It’s very nice to see you in person.A: How are th...
本文将为您介绍900句商务英语谈判对话,帮助您增强谈判能力。 1. Greetings and Introductions(问候与介绍) 1.1. Greeting the Counterpart(向对方问候) - Hello, nice to meet you. - Good morning/afternoon/evening. - How are you? 1.2. Introducing Yourself(介绍自己) - My name is [Name], and I ...
英语商务谈判实例 成功的商务谈判都是谈判双方出色运用语言艺术的结果。在商务谈判中,双方各自的语言,都是表达自己的愿望和要求的,因此谈判语言的针对性要强,做到有的放矢。下面我们来看看英语商务谈判实例,欢迎阅读。 英语商务谈判实例 1. What’s the wholesale price?what’s the retail price?批发价是多少?零售...
以下是一些常用的商务英语谈判句子,附带中英对照:We have carefully considered your proposal. 我们仔细考虑了你方的提议。We appreciate the opportunity to do business with you. 我们很感谢与你方合作的机会。We would like to request a discount on the price. 我们想要请求价格折扣。Could you please provide...
下面是一些价格谈判的英文表达,快拿出小本本记下来吧! 1. Our price is reasonable compared with others in the international market. 我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的。 2. I'm afraid I don't agree with you there. 我不...
付款方式谈判英语对话如下: A: Good morning, Mr. Brown. I'm glad to see you again. B: Good morning, Ms. White. Nice to meet you. A: As we discussed last time, we would like to purchase 1000 units of your products. However, before we finalize the deal, we need to discuss the pay...