绝望的主妇经典台词16季中英文绝望主妇中英文台词绝望主妇经典台词绝望的主妇经典台词绝望的主妇中英文字幕绝望主妇中英文剧本绝望主妇中英文字幕经典电影台词中英文绝望的主妇中英文剧本绝望主妇第一季中英文 第一季 101 The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and ...
绝望的主妇经典台词1-6季(中英文).doc阅读:624次|页数:28页|上传:2022-01-28 15:10 第一季 101 Thenextdaymyfriendscametogethertopackawaymyclothes,mypersonalbelongingsandwhatwasleftof mylife.NotquiteGabrielle,notquite.Howironic.TohavesomethingItriedsodesperatelytokeepsecrettreat edsocausally.I'msosorry,...
绝望的主妇中英文台词对照 -NARRATOR: My name is Mary Alice Young. 我是 Mary Alice Young。 When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. come across: 偶然遇到 article: 文章 unusual: 不平常的 当你浏览今天的晨报,可能会读到一篇文...
Desperate Housewives S01E02 《绝望主妇》前情提要 Previously on Desperate Housewives 如果当时玛丽·艾莉丝有危机 If Mary Alice was having some sort of crisis, 我们会发现的 we'd have known. 她住的那么近 She lives 50 feet away, for god's sakes. 加布 那个女人都已经自杀了 Gabby, the woman kill...
绝望主妇第一季第1集中英文台词(完整版) Desperate Housewives S01E02 1--Previously on Desperate Housewives《绝望主妇》前情提要 2--If Mary Alice was having some sort of crisis,如果当时玛丽·艾莉丝有危机 3--we'd have known.我们会发现的 4--She lives 50 feet away, for god's sakes.她住的...
绝望的主妇经典台词1-5季(中英文)疾病有很多种表现方式身体上的容易治疗困难的是隐藏在心灵深处的伤痛不为人知的迷恋让我们的灵魂中毒讳疾忌医会困惑我们的判断为了继续下去我们得找到一位能帮助我们痊愈的人 第一季 101 The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings ...
绝望主妇第一季第5集中英对照剧本台词(完整版) 热度: DesperateHousewivesS01E01 1--MynameisMaryAliceYoung.我叫玛丽·艾莉丝·杨 2--Whenyoureadthismorning'spaper,如果你看了今天的早报 3--youmaycomeacrossanarticle可能会读到一篇报道 4--abouttheunusualdayIhadlastweek.有关我上周异常的一天 ...
绝望的主妇经典台词1-8季(中英文)1-1 The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I'm so ...
1、第一季101 Thenextdaymyfriendscametogethertopackawaymyclothes,mypersonalbelongingsandwhatwasleftofmylife.NotquiteGabrielle,notquite.Howironic.TohavesomethingItriedsodesperatelytokeepsecrettreatedsocausally.Imsosorry,girls.Ineverwantedyoutoburdenwiththis. 第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有我剩...