Reading Focus:Love and Loving Relationships Reading More:The Last Chapter Practical Translation:被动句的翻译 Focused Writing:Expository Essays(1) Final Project Unit 5 Living a Healthier Life Starting Out Reading Focus:Yoga in America Reading More:Stress and Health ...
PAGE PAGE 1Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness1 Hurricanes, house fires, cancer, whitewater rafting accidents, plane cra
1.Big?surprise,?I?thought,?tossing?the?balled-up?clipping?over?my?shoulder.?Thats?up?there?with?money?eases?stress,?liars?make?good?writers?and?philanderers?make?even?better?liars. 大惊喜,我以为,棉布将里头的卷成球的剪裁在我的肩膀上,与“金钱减轻压力”,“骗子好作家”和“花花公子做更好的...
G. Annas, professor of health laws in Boston university, points out that “human cloning should be banned because it may fundamentally alter the definition of ourselves.”VI. Grouping: The change of attitudes towards ethical consideration:occupy media slots and Sunday supplements, latest battle ...
5.TheeGplanationinvolvesbusiness,politicsandhistorP,andisinmanPrespec tsacasestudPofhowthesethreefactorscanintertwinewithunhealthPcons equencesinAsia. PartB 一项最新调查研究显示,和你的伴侣吵上一架有益于身体健康。根据一项跟踪了192对美国夫妇17年的调查显示,夫妻两人均压抑自己的愤怒会让他们的死亡率比至少有...
Post-traumatic stress is far from the on ly possible outcome. In the wake of eve n the most terrifyi ng experie nces, only a small proportio n of adults become chr oni cally troubled. More com monly, people rebou nd-or eve n eve ntually thrive. 3诸如此类有关危机改变一生的发现有看...
Stress, depression, boredom, loneliness, and even joy all come into play. And some of us may just be inclined to gain weight while others are not, due to genetics. Scientists are unclear as to how much of a role genetics plays in how chubby you are, but estimates range from as low ...
One reason is the belief in“grazing”rather than“gorging”to avoid "stress"on the body from having to digest large meals,especially later in the day when glucose and insulin peaks are higher and metabolic rate lower. 其中一个原因是,人们相信“少食多餐”比“饱餐一顿”更能避免消化大餐给身体...
5. This debate is important because it points up (stress/ emphasize) that the facts are not necessarily as simple and straightforward as they might at first sight seem. 6. In the beginning, the meaning of life might be debated, but once past the first period, many of the conversations ...