4.Niyama: self-purification and study自我约束—遵行 5.Dharana: Intention思想集中—内省 6.Pratyahara: sense control感官抑制—制约 7.Dhyana: meditation静坐冥想—静虑 8.Samadhi:Contemplation超然忘我—三摩地 Reading More Stress and Health About the Text This passage is a part of the bookWellness: A...
本单元主题为:Living A Healthier Life,通过两篇文章:《Yoga in America——瑜伽在美国》,《Stress and health——压力与健康》来阐述 生活、健康、运动、锻炼、减压之间的联系,使生活变得更为健康。 ? Yoga in America——瑜伽在美国,为本次课程讲解内容。 Yoga in America 2 文章概述 ? 文章属性为:说明类文...
Unit 5 Stress and Health 每个人或多或少都会受到压力的影响。实际上,大约67%的成年人表示他们每周至少有 一天会感到“巨大的压力”。压力的来源各种各样,就连生活中积极的事情都会让我们倍感压 力。 适度的压力能激励我们为目标而奋斗并使我们的生活充满乐趣。然而当压力过大并持 续出现时,我们的身体或许就不...
Reading More:Stress and Health Practical Translation:长句的翻译 Focused Writing:Expository Essays(2) Final Project Unit 6 Sanctuary or Fulfillment Starting Out Reading Focus:Here Is New York Reading More:Feathers from a Thousand Li Away Practical Translation:名词性从句的翻译 ...
5.Yoga can also provide the same benefits as any well-designed exercise program, increasing general health andstamina reducing stress, and improving those conditionsbrought about by sedentary lifestyles. Yoga has the added advantage of being a low- impact activity that uses only gravity as resistance...
America——瑜伽在美国》,《Stressandhealth——压力与健康》来阐述 生活、健康、运动、锻炼、减压之间的联系,使生活变得更为健康。 •YogainAmerica——瑜伽在美国,为本次课程讲解内容。 文章概述 3 YogainAmerica •文章属性为:说明类文章, •写作受众为:普通大众或者瑜伽爱好者, ...
研究生英语综合教程(上)Unit 5课后答案
SteP Two ChooSe the most important three attributes for PeoPle in each role, and give your reasons. Reference: employee: good health, COoPeratiVeneSS employer: good health, great CommUniCatiVe skills, ***Good health is the foundation for Career development, WhateVer role One PIayS- FOr an ...
B. Reduce stress; C. Increase a person’s ___ ___. Reading Focus Reading Focus –– Global Understanding general health and stamina strength, flexibility and sense of well-being 精选课件 20 Philosophy behind yoga Philosophy behind yoga A. Mind/body connection; B. Physical posture and alignm...