(1)He was praised by his teacher on(the) one hand,but blamed by his friends on the other hand. 一方面,他受到了老师的表扬,但另一方面,受到朋友的责怪。 (2)He’s an able man,but on the other hand he demands too much of people. 他是一位能干的人,但是另一方面,他对人要求太高了。 注意...
1. On the one hand, I want to stay at home and relax, but on the other hand, I really should go to the gym. 一方面我想待在家里放松,但是另一方面我真的应该去健身了。2. On the one hand, this job pays well but on the other hand, it's very stressful and demanding. 一方面这个工作...
1. On the one hand,I think we should go to the movies. On the other hand,I don’t want to spend too much money.2. On the one hand,I would like to go on vacation to Europe. On the other hand,I don’t have enough money to travel.3. On the one hand,I think it’s imp...
1. 对比不同观点:- "On the one hand, I'd like to travel the world and see new places. On the other hand, I need to focus on my career and save money."(一方面,我想环游世界,看看新的地方。另一方面,我需要专注于我的职业并存钱。)2. 权衡利弊:- "Taking this job means a higher ...
“on the other hand”是一个常用的英语短语,用于表达相反或不同的观点,通常与“on the one hand”连用,形成对
3. on the other hand(可是)另一方面(常与on the one hand对应使用)[教材原句] On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.而另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品却是那么写实,看上去就像是照片。①I' d like to eat out, but on the other han ...
· On the one hand, [观点或事实 1]。 · On the other hand, [观点或事实 2]。 用法差异 · On the one hand:通常位于对比关系的开头,表示第一个观点或事实。 · On the other hand:位于对比关系的后面,表示第二个观点或事实。 用法例子 · 例子1: · On the one hand, I love to ...
“on the one hand”和“on the other hand”是英语中常用的表达方式,用于描述事物的两个方面或矛盾的情况。“on the one hand”通常用于表达事物的一个方面,表示只有一种情况或观点存在。例如:On the one hand, I want to go out and have fun, but on the other hand, I need to finish my ...
8. on the other hand(可是)另一方面(常与 on the one hand对应使用)[考点对接]① (the) one hand, they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons. On the other hand, they can enrich my life and provide me with great fun.②I'm not going to buy it; for one thing I ...
“on one hand, on the other hand”是一个常用的英语表达,用于在同一时间或同一主题上提出两个相对或相反的观点或情况。 具体用法如下: 在句子中,通常在“on one hand”之后列举一个观点或情况,然后在“on the other hand”之后列举另一个与之相对或相反的观点或情况。两个观点或情况之间通常用逗号隔开。 “...