1. On the one hand, I want to stay athome and relax, but on the other hand, I really should go to the gym. 一方面我想待在家里放松,但是另一方面我真的应该去健身了。2. On the one hand, this job pays well but on the other hand, it's very stressful and demanding. 一方面这个工作薪...
解析 答案见上最佳答案[答案]on the other hand[解析]答案是on the other hand.考查词组on the other hand,另一方面.例句:On the other hand,the idea appealed to him.从另一方面来说,这个想法又使他很感兴趣. 另一方面 解答此类题目,首先要在学习中不断积累常用词汇,并学以致用,用例句加强理解和记忆. ...
1. I enjoy the convenience of living in the city. On the other hand, I miss the tranquility of the countryside. -我喜欢城市生活的便利。另一方面,我怀念乡村的宁静。 2. He is very talented, but, on the other hand, he lacks practical experience. -他很有天赋,但另一方面,他缺乏实际经验。
以下是几个使用“on the other hand”的例句: On the one hand, I love the excitement of city life; on the other hand, I miss the tranquility of the countryside. 一方面,我喜欢城市生活的热闹;另一方面,我怀念乡村的宁静。 Some people prefer to work alone; on the other hand, others thrive in...
1.On the other hand, the new company has a lot of potential for growth, but it lacks the experience of its competitors. 2.He's a great athlete, but on the other hand, he struggles with his studies and often has trouble keeping up in school. 3.On the other hand, while working from...
on the one hand,on the other hand的用法及例句 “on the one hand,on the other hand”是一个常用的表达方式,它用于引出两种相反或相对的观点或情况。这个表达方式通常出现在句子中,用于连接两个对比性的观点或情况。下面是一些使用“on the one hand,on the other hand”的例子:1. On the one hand...
"on the one hand" 和 "on the other hand" 是用来表达对比、权衡或比较不同观点、事物或情况的常用短语。它们通常一起使用,以引出两个相对或对立的观点或事实。这种结构有助于清晰地展示两个不同的方面或选择,让听者或读者更好地理解讨论的主题。以下是它们的用法示例:1. 对比不同观点:- "On the one...
实用场景例句 全部 在另一方面 On the other hand, we must increase production and practice economy, with the emphasis on economizing. 另一方面, 要坚持增产与节约并举,把节约放在优先位置. 期刊摘选 Spear phishingon the other handis not normally targeting the random individual. ...
“on the one hand”和“on the other hand”是英语中常用的表达方式,用于描述事物的两个方面或矛盾的情况。“on the one hand”通常用于表达事物的一个方面,表示只有一种情况或观点存在。例如:On the one hand, I want to go out and have fun, but on the other hand, I need to finish my ...