词目:扣除 拼音:kòu chú 英文:deduct 基本解释 [deduct] 减去[总数中的一部分] 税款从薪金中扣除 详细解释 从总额中减去。 明 沈德符 《野获编·工部·京师营造》:“盖内府之侵削,部吏之扣除,与夫匠头之破冒,及至实充经费,所馀亦无多矣。”清 李渔 《怜香伴·斋访》:“要待冬季廪银出来,方纔扣除得...
佣金为扣除折扣后,发票上净额的3%。 6. the deduction of tax from earnings 从收入中扣除税金. 7. money taxed at source,ie before it is given to the earner 扣除税金后发放的钱 8. EBIT [earnings before interest and tax ] 扣除利息和税金前收益[ ...
1)deduction[英][d?'d?k?n][美][d?'d?k??n]扣除 英文短句/例句 1.To deduct(withholding tax)from an employee's salary.扣留从雇员收入中扣除(代扣的所得税) 2.Retentio propter mores因伤风败俗的扣除,因风化的扣除 3.Retentio propter res amotas因拿走物的扣除,因隐匿财产的扣除 4.Not deductib...
沪江词库精选扣除的英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 deduct subtract 相似短语 deduct wages【经】 扣工资 deduct money扣款,扣钱 deduct prepayment扣除预支,扣除预支款 deduct mark扣分 deduct fromv. 扣除 deduct expenses扣除费用 deduct in year incurred【经】 在发生当年扣除 ...
扣除 deduct from;struck off;take out 例句与用法:税金从你的薪金中扣除。Tax is deducted from your salary.养老金制度中每月的公积金要从薪金中扣除.Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.老板从这个雇员的工资里扣除100美元作为罚款。The boss struck off ...
减去扣除额后所剩无几了。 2. To deduct or subtract from a cost or price. 减少从费用或价格中扣除或减去 3. To deduct or withhold(part of something due) for an equitable reason. 扣除,扣留出于衡平的原因而减去或扣留(到期某物的一部分) ...
扣除的英文:deductsubtract参考例句: Depletion allowance耗减扣除 Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.养老金制度中每月的公积金要从薪金中扣除。 The deduction is allowed for a single overseas trip over 30 days.一次临时离境超过30天可以扣除天数。 Deduction; recoup...
沪江词库精选扣除的用英语怎么说及英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 【法】 deductible 相似短语 deductible expenditure 可扣除支出 deductible contributions 可扣除借款 deductible items 可减免项目,可减项目 deductible tax 可扣除税款 deductible allowance 可扣除免税项目 deductible average 绝对免赔额...
英文短句/例句 1.medical expenses deduction纳税时的医疗费用扣除 2.An Econometric Analysis of the Adjustment of the Deductive Standard of Personal Income Tax;个人所得税费用扣除标准调整的测算 3.An Interpretation on Provisions concerning Deduction of Expenditures of Permanent Establishments in OECD Model Ta...