词目:扣除 拼音:kòu chú 英文:deduct 基本解释 [deduct] 减去[总数中的一部分] 税款从薪金中扣除 详细解释 从总额中减去。 明 沈德符 《野获编·工部·京师营造》:“盖内府之侵削,部吏之扣除,与夫匠头之破冒,及至实充经费,所馀亦无多矣。”清 李渔 《怜香伴·斋访》:“要待冬季廪银出来,方纔扣除得...
1)deduction[英][d?'d?k?n][美][d?'d?k??n]扣除 英文短句/例句 1.To deduct(withholding tax)from an employee's salary.扣留从雇员收入中扣除(代扣的所得税) 2.Retentio propter mores因伤风败俗的扣除,因风化的扣除 3.Retentio propter res amotas因拿走物的扣除,因隐匿财产的扣除 4.Not deductib...
不扣除的不扣除的,尤指为所得税的目的而不扣除的 5. Usually the commission is three percent of the net invoice amount after reduction of discounts. 佣金为扣除折扣后,发票上净额的3%。 6. the deduction of tax from earnings 从收入中扣除税金. 7. money taxed at source,ie before it is given...
扣除deduct from;struck off;take out 例句与用法:税金从你的薪金中扣除.Tax is deducted from your salary.养老金制度中每月的公积金要从薪金中扣除.Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken ...结果一 题目 扣除用英文怎么说 例如,从所得中扣除成本的那个扣除怎么说 答案 扣除deduct from;s...
沪江词库精选扣除的英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 deduct subtract 相似短语 deduct wages【经】 扣工资 deduct money扣款,扣钱 deduct prepayment扣除预支,扣除预支款 deduct mark扣分 deduct fromv. 扣除 deduct expenses扣除费用 deduct in year incurred【经】 在发生当年扣除 ...
例句>> 补充资料:保险金 保险金 【保险金】人身保险中,保险事故发生后保险人依据保险合同中的约定向被保险人或其受益人支付的款项。人身保险的保险事故是被保险人死亡、残废、年老、疾病或生存到保险满期等。保险事故发生时,被保险人不一定遭受损失,即使遭受损失往往也不能用货币估价和补偿,所以支付的款项不称赔款...
承认或允许 例句>> 补充资料:折扣 折扣概述 折扣是商品买卖中的让利、减价,是卖方给买方的价格优惠,但买卖双方给予或者接受折扣都要明示并如实入帐。法律上对折扣的概念作了如下界定:%26quot;本规定所称折扣,即商品购销中的让利,是指经营者在销售商品时,以明示并如实入帐的方式给予对方的价格优惠,包括支付价款时对...
英文短句/例句 1.deduction for expenses of self-education个人进修开支扣除额 2.carry-over of foreign tax外国税收扣除额结转 3.home loan interest deductio居所贷款利息的扣除额 4.The deduction of a payment made by a debtor from an amount due.贷款扣除额由欠债人从应付数目中的付款扣除 5.elderly resi...
deduct money 扣款,扣钱 deduct prepayment 扣除预支,扣除预支款 deduct mark 扣分 deduct from v. 扣除 deduct expenses 扣除费用 deduct in year incurred 【经】 在发生当年扣除 deduct from the salary 罚薪 separately deduct expenses 分别减除费用 deduct a percentage from a sum of money 提成 ...