neurological disorders 渐冻症(肌萎缩侧索硬化) ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 帕金森病 Parkinson's 神经元尖峰检测 neuron spike detection 人类与人工智能之间的共生关系 a symbiotic relationship between humans and artificial intelligence 英语翻译
侦察坦克 reconnaissance tank坦克牵引车 recovery tank坦克修理后送车 repair-service tank反坦克障碍物 anti-tank obstacle反坦克断崖 anti-tank ditch反坦克崖壁 anti-tank precipice反坦克三角锥 anti-tank pyramids炮手gunner坦克兵 tank soldier炮口muzzle炮管barrel清烟器 fume extractor炮塔turret瞄准镜 gun sight...
e.g. To organize the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism as our two countries mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties is an important common understanding reached by the two heads of state during President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to China last year to promote bilateral cultural exchan...
分句3中,“缓税缓费”中的“缓”意思重复,可合并处理为“postponements were introduced for tax and fee payments”,也可参照“减税降费”的处理方式,合译的同时,转换词性结构为名词性结构,译为“tax and fee deferrals”。 来源:CATTI译路通 日期:2023年3月20日 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室...
红色预警 red alert e.g. 这四个等级的预警是蓝色、黄色、橙色和红色预警,将在严重污染的日子发布。 The four-tier alerts are blue, yellow, orange and red alerts, which will be issued on days of heavy pollution. 心译翻译工作室
除“人形机器人”外,句中还包含了几个专业术语,如“元宇宙”、“量子科技”、“现代产业体系”这三个专业术语,分别译为“the metaverse”、“quantum technology”、“a modern industrial system”。 日常学习中可以多积累,方便日后应用。 来源:CATTI译路通 日期:2023安3月11日 英语翻译 心译翻译工作室...
大教堂 cathedral 教堂church 塔,塔楼 tower 十层办公大楼 ten-storey office block 柱column 柱廊colonnade 拱arch 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证 building permission 绿地greenbelt 立面elevation 设计图 plan/design drawing 比例尺 scale 预制to prefabricate
Family planning 独生子女 The only child in one's family e.g. 中国目前有大约1.5亿个独生子女家庭。 At present, there are about one hundred and fifty million families with only one child. 单独二孩政策 Two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a sing...
水污染 water pollution 拉尼娜现象 La Nina phenomenon 物种灭绝 species extinction 冰川消融 glacial ablation 海洋生态环境 marine ecological environment 有毒废料污染 toxic waste pollution 酸雨危害 acid rain harm 人口剧增 population dramatically increased 土地侵蚀 land erosion 盐碱化 salinization 沙化desertificatio...