尾-Arrestin 2 Functions as a G-Protein-coupled Receptor-activated Regulator of Oncoprotein Mdm2 Oncoprotein Mdm2 is a master negative regulator of the tumor suppressor p53 and has been recently shown to regulate the ubiquitination of β-arrestin 2, an... P Wang,H Gao,Y Ni,... - 《Journal...
Similarly, the Gγ and arrestin mutants showed minor abnormalities in light adaptation. These findings suggest that these proteins play a role in sensory adaptation beyond that in chemosensation and could contribute to light response mechanisms i...
To investigate the signaling pathways involved in β-arrestin1-induced proliferation of K562 cells. METHODS We established stable cell lines K562-siβ1 and K562-β1 by lentivirus-mediated β-arrestin1 knock-down or overexpression in K562 cells, with cells ...
G protein coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-2 desensitizes and opposes βAR pro-contractile signaling by phosphorylating the receptor and inducing beta-arrestin (βarr) binding. We posited herein that GRK2 blockade might enhance the pro-contrac...