“万事开头难”用英语可以表达为“All beginnings are hard”,“Everything is difficult at the beginning”或“All things are hard at the start”。接下来,我将详细解释这三个表达方式及其适用场景。 一、All beginnings are hard 这个表达直接对应了中文中的“万事开头难”...
万事开头难,用英语可以表达为 "Difficulties always arise at the beginning" 或者 "All things are difficult at the start." 这句话传达了一个普遍的道理,即在做任何事情的开始阶段,往往会遇到各种困难和挑战。 在英语中,“万事开头难”这句话可以具体拆解为以下英语表达: 1. Difficulties always arise at the...
“万事开头难”在英文上的表达是“the first step is always the hardest”。 If I can just start this project, I know the rest will be easy. The first step is always the hardest. 如果我能开始这个项目,我知道剩下的就很容易了,万事开头难。
万事开头难 万事开头难的英文翻译,万事开头难用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/wàn shì kāi tóu nán/ 万事开头难的英文翻译 all things are difficult before they are easy.it is the first step that costs troublesome.the first step is always the most difficulteverything´s hard in the beginning...
万事开头难,用英语表达为:All good things begin with difficulty. 或者:Every beginning is difficult. 这句话强调了任何成功或成就的起点都会伴随着挑战和困难。在英语中,这个谚语的另一种表达方式是:Every journey begins with a single step. 这句话意味着每段旅程都始于第一步,提醒我们即使是...
“万事开头难”和“我害怕被嘲笑”.用英语怎么说?写作文需要. 答案 万事开头难:It is the first step that costs troublesome.All things are dificult before they are easy.我害怕被嘲笑:I am scared of being laughed at.I am scared of being teased.相关推荐 1“万事开头难”和“我害怕被嘲笑”.用英语...
beginning is always the most challenging.2. The first step is where the difficulty lies.3. It's the initial step that tends to be difficult.4. Starting off is often the hardest part.5. The launch is always the most complex.6. The initial difficulty is often the greatest.
[英语词汇]万事开头难的英文怎么说 学习单词的道路上任重道远,多和外语学习爱好者一起交流,会收获更多经验及学习技巧,在此推荐万事开头难的英文单词写法、万事开头难用英语怎么说、英文造句大全等外语学习资源,让大家学习外语更轻松,单词记忆更方便 2012-07-06 22:44 ...
曹操说:“我就是想让天下人都明白一个道理!” 华陀:“什么?!” 曹操:“万事开头难……“ 那么“万事开头难”的英语怎么说呢? Beginnings are rocky 万事开头难 rocky英[ˈrɒki]美[ˈrɑːki] adj.岩石的; 多岩石的; 困难的; 难以维持的; 不稳定的; ...