“万事开头难”在英文上的表达是“the first step is always the hardest”。 If I can just start this project, I know the rest will be easy. The first step is always the hardest. 如果我能开始这个项目,我知道剩下的就很容易了,万事开头难。
“万事开头难”是有多种解释和说法:1、It is the first step that is troublesome.(比较正规谚语的表达)2、Every beginning is difficult.3、The first step is always difficult.4、Everything is difficult at the start.5、The first step is the only difficulty.6、Things are always difficu...
1. The English equivalent of "万事开头难" is "Everything is difficult before it becomes easy."2. This phrase is a proverb in English, meaning that every task is challenging at the beginning before it becomes more manageable.3. The saying reflects the same concept as the Chinese...
the first step is always the hardest 万事开头难 Don't worry, the first step is always the hardest—it'll get easier after that.别担心,万事开头难--之后会越来越容易。Fred: I want to quit smoking, but I can't convince myself to sign up for the "stop smoking" program.弗雷德:我想戒烟...
写作文需要. 答案 万事开头难:It is the first step that costs troublesome.All things are dificult before they are easy.我害怕被嘲笑:I am scared of being laughed at.I am scared of being teased.相关推荐 1“万事开头难”和“我害怕被嘲笑”.用英语怎么说?写作文需要....
The first step is always the hardest. 万事开头难 It is the first step that costs. / The first step is always the hardest
曹操说:“我就是想让天下人都明白一个道理!” 华陀:“什么?!” 曹操:“万事开头难……“ 那么“万事开头难”的英语怎么说呢? Beginnings are rocky 万事开头难 rocky英[ˈrɒki]美[ˈrɑːki] adj.岩石的; 多岩石的; 困难的; 难以维持的; 不稳定的; ...
Everything is difficult before they are easy.说明:这句话是英语中的谚语,译为“每一件事在它容易之前总是困难的。”即我们汉语中的俗语:万事开头难!希望回答对你有帮助!! O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
Everything is hard in the beginning.