bootgen -arch zynqmp -image output.bif -o BOOT.bin -w Using the bootgen_utility command you can decode the generated BOOT.bin in text format and study how the flag "xip_mode" impacted the image header. For example: (bootgen_utility -arch zynqmp -bin BOOT.bin ...
69754 - 2017.2 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Example Design: How to run a Cortex-A53 standalone application from PL DDR or AXI BRAM? Description I have a simple 2017.2 Vivado Design that has an AXI BRAM @ 0xA0000000-0xB0000000 and a PL DRR @ 0x400000000-420000000. I want to load and execu...
项目中主要PL送数据给PS。 Example:单次写入64(数据量)*32bit(总线位宽)数据,划分了4块地址,写完单次后写入的基地址会递增,到4回退。 (1)在block design中新建IP。这里只使能了写数据通道,通道类型选择full(还有种是basic,貌似简单一点),位宽默认32bit,根据需要选择不同位宽。 Maximum Burst Size:最大突发长度...
zynqmp_cam_isp_demo linux软件项目 v4l2ispzynqmplibcamera UpdatedDec 18, 2022 Example designs and documentation for the RPi Camera FMC raspberry-pivideocameramachine-visionzynqmpmipi-csi UpdatedNov 21, 2024 Tcl ikwzm/ZynqMP-FPGA-Ubuntu20.04 ...
启动u-boot 内核启动 其中的unable to generate target frequency: 125 MHz是由于ps输入时钟非125MHz的整数关系, 所以时钟有误差, 可以忽略. 互ping测试 与主机设置相同网段的IP即可测试网络. 右侧: 主机 左侧: zynqmp __EOF__...
$git config --global""$git config --global"Your Name" 2. 构建基于ZCU102的Linux及其启动镜像 下载repo $curl > repo$chmod a+x repo 下载Yocto manifests ...
$git config --global""$git config --global"Your Name" 2. 构建基于ZCU102的Linux及其启动镜像 下载repo $curl > repo$chmod a+x repo 下载Yocto manifests ...
Simplifies system design with fewer components and provides platform hardware and software flexibility. Product Brief Tools & Example Designs A variety of solutions are available for developers to easily evaluate and debug designs on Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCs. These solutions consist of tools, IP, and...
Objective: This article helps users to access the SPI controller available on a ZYNQMP device using the PMOD header. This example will use a ZCU102 Evaluation Kit. The user can capture the CLK, CS/SS and data over MOSI and there is no response on MISO due to the lack of a slave devi...
由于XWDTPS_COUNTER_RESET设置为最小值0,因此复位时间为默认值60s,程序运行60s后将复位重启。或者通过在zynqmp_pmufw工程中添加定义RECOVERY_TIMEOUT,则超时时间为(60 + RECOVERY_TIMEOUT)。 看门狗复位超时定义见testplatform\zynqmp_pmufw\xpfw_restart.c: ...