各位大佬,在万众期待中,ZWO ASIAIR PRO终于完成1.6版本升级,最新公测即将发布,此处应该有掌声!给大家提前透露一下ASIAIR PRO[1.6 - 7.79] 公测版的第二王炸——多星导星!一颗导星早已成为过去式,现在有多颗导星,共同辅助拍摄,提高导星精度,极大减少废片! ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现ZWO ASIAIR PRO配套快门线控制单反相机 星野深空摄影的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于ZWO ASIAIR PRO配套快门线控制单反相机 星野深空摄影的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
继熠瑆的ASIAIR PRO测评视频之后我们又收到了业内大佬氕氘氚Star的最新测评佳作认真看完,相信你会对ASIAIR PRO有进一步了解 http://t.cn/A6hbZj6u http://t.cn/A6hbZD4r
ASIAIR only needs an EQ Mount and Polar Alignment for Guiding. All other functions/features work just fine with Alt/Az, and with the normal limitations of any system regarding field rotation. However, if one does use an EQ mount, then ASIAIR Pro Polar Alignment requires only that you can v...
ZWO天文摄影:被美丽的星空击中心巴啦 1️⃣IC 1805 心脏星云 ©天文摄影师:Billy 拍摄器材:ZWO ASI2600MC Pro + ZWO ASIAIR Pro + Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 Pro + Sharpstar SQA70 2️⃣Comet C/2023 A3 ©天文摄影师:冰冰 拍摄器材…
ZWO振旺光电 逐梦星辰,探无止境,天文摄影领域引领者! 天文酷图 | 图1️⃣:IC 405 ©天文摄影师:Richard McInnis 拍摄器材:Celestron 14”Edge HD + ZWO 2600MM Pro + Sky-Watcher EQ8R Pro + ZWO 174MM Mini + ZWO ASIAIR Pro + ZWO EAF + ZWO EFW ...
全新ZWO ASIAIR PLUS天文摄影智能设备盒深空摄影盒便携式电脑盒ASI AIR PRO ASIAIR, You can get more details about 全新ZWO ASIAIR PLUS天文摄影智能设备盒深空摄影盒便携式电脑盒ASI AIR PRO ASIAIR from mobile site on Alibaba.com
I don't know if this really made any difference, but I changed the cal step to 500ms, and both the Max DEC & RA to 300ms (on the ASIAIR+). I saw this on several tutorial videos, even for longer exposures, and thought I would try it. #462 KC_Astro_Mutt Ranger 4 Posts: 346...
New Features: Add CAA ASCOM Driver This is the download link: https://www.zwoastro.com/software/00 replies Daylight Saving Time reminder. ASIAIR & Smart Camera Larry.Cable replied Jul 2, 2024 Since Daylight Saving Time (DST) is just a week away for most of the USA (you guys in ...
ZWO EAF 电调焦器说明书 EAF 手册 版本 2.3 2021,3 本手册等相关资料版权及修改权全部属于苏州振旺光电(ZWO),如有修改,恕不通知,请于我们官方网站下载最新版本。1