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Why would you get the Duo when you could get the Air version of the 2600MC which has the guide camera built in as well for the same price and eliminate the need to purchase an ASI Air? I assume it will have all the functionality of the ASI Air. To be sure, I don't have any A...
“ASI2600MC Air,确实是我今年使用过的最佳天文产品,实名推荐!建议有预算的打野党,星野党冲,从零开始组建深空系统的,也是今年的最佳选择!”来自测评者的真实反馈,就这,还不冲一台?#天文摄影# 天文摄影超话#深空摄影##天文好物推荐ZWO##天文设备升级清单ZWO##无线智能天文相机##三合一智能相机# LZWO振旺光电...
Page 5 of 8 - New Camera - ZWO ASI2600MC-AIR - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: @idclimber: Battery as a counterweight is a really good idea. IOptron already did that years ago. I had one for my CEM60. It never really took off as an item with the
此外搭配市场上常见的小口径主镜、AM3赤道仪、EAF电动变焦、AISAIR智能盒子等设备,就可轻松入坑购置一套属于自己的深空摄影入门设备,体验深空摄影带来的无限乐趣。 Tips: 1.首次拍摄可以通过ASIAIR或ASI赤道仪自带的APP,模拟自己想要拍摄的目标视场,根据视场大小来选择相机对应的主镜焦距。
In Totally white images using 2600mc pro and ASI air plus. TTech@ZWO a day ago rfbarwin Thank you for your upates. Reply In order stuck in "processing" for several weeks TTech@ZWO a day ago dgal May i ask the order number of yours? or you could send an email to me-Ying.tang...
The latest ZWOASIAIR update (2.0)became available to the public in September 2022 and has now officially been released. If you’re interested in seeing every update to the ASIAIR, you can always view the completerelease log. The update includes some impressive new features including a much-ant...
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