型号:H-K0522 积分:10 库存状态:5 HKD170.00可使用积分: 600 *品牌: 汉立方 200g - 防潮樽盖 · 遇水即溶 (+HKD339.00) 农本方 200g - 本地品牌 · 信心保证 (+HKD659.00) 海天牌 100g - 本地医师诚意之作 食物标签: 含有动物成份 -+加入购物车...
Zuogui WanHigh concentration of glucose in culture medium affects the developmental process and the quality of the pre-implantation embryo. This study examined the effects of Zuogui Wan (ZGW) supplementation on early embryo development cultured in high-glucose medium. Embryos were cultured in high-...
I have ordered Zuo Gui Wan from you in the past with very good success I am a 51 year old woman and a customer and have ordered Zuo Gui Wan from you in the past with very good success at reducing hot flash symptoms associated with menopause. Recommends this product ✔ Yes Helpful...
( zuoguiwan ) 左归丸《景岳全书》 主治:滋阴补肾,益精养血。治真阴肾水不足,不能滋养营卫,渐至衰弱,或虚热往来,自汗盗汗,或遗淋不禁,或眼花耳聋,或口燥舌干,或腰酸腿软。 处方:大怀熟地250克山药120克(炒)枸杞子120克山茱萸肉120克川牛膝90克(酒洗,蒸熟,精滑者不用)菟丝子120克(制)鹿胶120克(敲碎,...
左归丸主治 真阴不足证。症见头目眩睪晕,腰酸腿软,遗精滑泄,自汗盗汗,耳鸣,形体消瘦,口燥舌干,舌红少苔,脉细。 左归丸用量用法 水煎服。 左归丸方解 本方所治为真阴肾水不足之证,其中以腰酸腿软,头目眩晕,舌光少苔,脉细为主证;遗精滑泄,自汗盗汗,口燥舌干为次要症状。其病因为肾阴不足,虚热内扰。肾藏精...
标题:左归丸拼音名:ZuoguiWan标准编号:WS1-B-0053-89【处方】 熟地黄 200g 菟丝子 100g 牛膝 75g 龟板胶 100g 鹿角胶 100g 山药 100g 山茱萸 100g 枸杞子 100g【制法】 以上八味,除鹿角胶、龟板胶外,其余熟地黄等六味粉碎成细粉,过筛混匀。取鹿角胶、龟板胶烊化,与上述细粉混匀。每100g粉末加炼蜜...
(CFA) to induce EAE.Rats of normal group and EAE group were administered with normal sodium after immunization,rats of prednisone group with prednisone(5mg/kg),rats of ZuoGuiWan group with ZuoGuiWan(2g/kg),rats of YouGuiWan group with YouGuiWan(3g/kg).On the day 15 and 27 after ...
(10-4M)to the primary cultured hippocampus neuron of the newborn 24h SD rat.The learning and memory- related signal transduction protein expressions were examined by using Western blotting and immunocytochemistry method,and the effects of Zuogui Wan and Yougui Wan on the model cell were analyzed...
左归丸行业发展趋势预测是根据过去和现在的信息,运用一定的科学手段和方法,预计和估计左归丸未来发展方向。 发展趋势 左归丸行业发展趋势预测是根据过去和现在的信息,运用一定的科学手段和方法,预计和估计左归丸未来发展方向。 一、左归丸行业发展趋势分析原理 1.可知性原理 ...
1)左归丸行业产能/产量分析。是指统计分析生产者在某一特定时期内,可生产出的商品总量以及已生产出的商品总量;同时分析这一时期内左归丸行业产能/产量结构(区域结构、企业结构等)。 2)左归丸行业进出口分析。是指统计分析同上时期内左归丸行业进出口量、进出口结构、以及进出口价格走势分析。