My Chinese doctor has been prescribing me Gui Pi Wan for years for Deficiency of Spleen Qi and nourishes the blood. The cause are my excessive thoughts which the product calms. I have bought several times Gui Pi Wan directly in China but a few years ago I found Activeherb in the US and...
guipiwan 归脾丸归脾丸组成党参 80克 白术 160克(炒) 黄芪 80克(炙) 炙甘草 40克 茯苓 160克 远志 160克(制) 酸枣仁 80克(炒) 龙眼肉 160克 当归 160克 木香 40克 大枣 40克(去核) 归脾丸的功效与作用益气健脾,养血安神。 归脾丸主治...
拼音名:Guipi Wan标准编号:WS3-B-1303-93 党参80g 白术(炒) 160g 黄芪(蜜炙) 80g 甘草(蜜炙) 40g 茯苓 160g 远志(制) 160g 酸枣40g 龙眼肉 160g 当归 160g 木香40g【制法】 以上十一味,党参、当归、甘草、木香粉碎成细粉,其余白术等七味,加水煎煮二次,第一次3小时,第二次2小时,合并煎液,滤过,...
( heiguipiwan ) 黑归脾丸《饲鹤亭集方》 主治:补脾益肾,养心宁神。主心肾不交,劳伤过度,精血虚损,怔忡健忘,惊悸盗汗,发热体倦,食少不眠,肠红痔血,三阴亏损,疟疾不愈,及妇人带下。 处方:熟地4两,人参2两,冬术2两,茯神2两,枣仁2两,远志2两,黄耆1两5钱,当归1两,木香5钱,炙草5钱,桂元1两,生姜1两...
( shunqiguipiwan ) 顺气归脾丸《外科正宗》 主治:健脾益气,理气消肿。治思虑伤脾,脾气郁结,致生肉瘤,软如绵,肿似馒,脾气虚弱,日久渐大,或微疼或不疼。 处方:陈皮贝母香附乌药当归白术茯神黄耆酸枣仁远志人参各30克木香甘草(炙)各9克 制备方法:上药研末,用合欢树根皮120克煎汤,煮老米糊为丸,如梧桐子大。
标题:中文名:归脾丸 汉语拼音名:Guipi Wan批件号:2002ZD-0681类别:地标升国标剂型:丸剂(大蜜丸)规格:每丸重9g生产单位:河北药都制药集团有限责任公司国药准字:Z20025938山西崇安堂药业有限公司国药准字:Z20025939山西广誉远中药有限公司国药准字:Z20025940山西省长治中药厂国药准字:Z20025941山西省临汾中药厂国药准字:...
人参归脾丸 Ren Shen Guipi Wan 功能 : 益气补血,健脾养心。用于心脾两虚,气血不虚,气血不足所致的失眠健忘,食少体倦,面色萎黄以及脾不统血所致的便血,带下诸症。 Indication: Traditionally used to improve appetite, digestion,vital energy and strengthening th
Gui-Pi-Wan extract acts as a radioprotective agentXU Ping 1 &JIANG EnJin 2 1Department of PharmacyXinxiang Medical UniversityXinxiang 453003China;2 Institute of Radiation MedicineAcademy of Military Medical SciencesBeijing 100850China.
1. Objective:To compare the effect of ordinary Guipiwan and Ultra-micro Guipiwan on the rat models of both qi and blood defi ciency. 目的:比较超微归脾丸与普通归脾丸对气血双虚大鼠的影响。更多例句>> 2) Guipi Pills 归脾丸 1. Determination of Astragaloside IV in Guipi Pills by TLCS; ...
Rou Gui, also called Kuei Pi, is a valued Yang tonic in Chinese herbalism. It is especially utilized for its warming influence as a Kidney Yang herb. Also described as an herb that "warms the deep interior", it is famed for its ability to counteract cold conditions especially affecting ...