Lilly Sabri—— 最新 夏季炫腹倒计时 40天 燃脂塑型训练课程 40 Days Summer shred workout 4.1万播放 【中字】小天鹅起飞 狂瘦上半身合集 1.小天鹅起飞瘦肩膀 2.瘦手臂后侧(甩走蝴蝶袖)3.加强版哑铃纤臂 4005.4万播放 五分钟在家瘦腰运动!快速瘦肚子小蛮腰,马甲线一周现形!适合初学者【周六野Zoey】 4672.1...
to hip hop or cha cha cha and wave their arms to the beats of Shakira and Co, calories burn within seconds, says Michelle."They sweat probably more than they have ever done in their entire life," she says.That's what zumba fans describe as one of the appeals of the workout - an ...
The more up and down you move, the better a workout you'll get. And the more you'll feel it in the morning! You know, the burn and the sense of accomplishment. 4 Shake that booty. If you've got it, flaunt it, right? So shake away. The entire room is pretending like they'...