2021年5月油管健身舞--MYLEE, TML Crew, MAs, Salsation, Dan-Sa, FitDance crystal-pang 1.3万 播放 · 1 弹幕 2021年7月油管健身舞--MYLEE, TML Crew, MAs, FitDance, Dan-Sa, Salsation, SHINE crystal-pang 9265 播放 · 12 弹幕 【魔性】抖音爆火的BGM还能这么跳 - Kramer Pastrana brit99 ...
386 -- 1:49:41 App 100min高效暴汗燃脂操/帕梅拉+尊巴+Cardio Dance暴汗操 6651 -- 20:42 App 20分钟跟练版!古法健身瘦全身太牛了!三焦通了,瘦了25斤!跟着做就能瘦!头发疯长,气血特足!浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
【Dance with Sassy】燃脂热舞尊巴Azukita 冷雨煞星 Ejercicios con niños - Zumba - divertido - Azukita - Fashion 快乐逃兵 AZUKITA Zumba® 深深的被他吸引 #ZUMBA ZIN 73# Azukita Ft Elvis Crespo - front. 要懂得过去 Azukita每个健身房尊巴课必备,阿祖踢他,汗如雨下 金属人 ...
03:41 Zumba Dance Workout For Advanced - YouTube 上传者:TBTOTW 04:36 Get the moves! Easy Step Breakdown - YouTube 上传者:TBTOTW 05:01 屈臣氏 ZUMBA 茵茵教學影片 (mirrored dance) 上传者:史迪奇寶寶 03:37 Zumba Dance Workout For Beginners 上传者:TBTOTW 04:39 Get the moves! Middle Easter...
Knowledge Base Software How do I contact Zumba? You can contact Zumba by emailing them, calling their hotline or by leaving them a message on one of the social media platforms. Alternatively, you can use theirknowledge baseif you prefer self-service support. ...
zumba-REFIT_ CardioDance -By The Grace of God- Cooldown (Katy Perry) 上传者:siriushun 04:31 【youtube】国外小朋友舞蹈 上传者:Mr_Duang 03:29 “Chainsaw“ Family Force 5 ¦¦ Dance Fitness Choreography ¦¦ by REFIT® REVOLUTION 上传者:达达天王 03:45 健身舞 同甘共苦 Stand By Yo...
Hello Zumba Dance Lovers 🤗 I am gonna have regular Zumba classes outdoor/indoor and also I will organize Zumba Master classes and events Instagram @the3mrah YouTube @the3emrah Join me, have fun t😎👊 続きを読む 過去のイベント (88)件すべて見る 2023年9月5日(火) 17:45 CDTOut...
Zumba 是一種在拉丁音樂中進行的創新減肥有氧舞蹈,融合森巴、恰恰、芭蕾...,跳Zumba一小時可消耗500卡,可說是最強減肥有氧運動。
Since you always dance and train with like-minded people, a very special pull is created. While the lone fighter on the treadmill or during weight training on the machines always has to overcome himself anew, the anticipation of the next workout drives the Zumba athletes back to the gym ...
Zumba is a Latin-dance inspired fitness. Zumba is also called “exercise in disguise” because you’ll get a great workout, but you’ll have FUN, too. What to expect? Expect a high-energy, cardio workout to upbeat music with plenty of booty-shaking. In more traditional dance classes, ...