此外,ZR-V致在的操控表现也十分给力。基于本田全球最新造车基准Honda Architecture新架构打造,ZR-V致在拥有轻量化、高刚性、低重心、低惯性等优势;同时,ZR-V致在还采用了雅阁同款VGR可变齿轮比转向系统,最小转弯半径5.2m,是广汽Honda的SUV矩阵中转弯半径最小的车型。无论是城市穿梭还是郊外探险,每一次踩下油门,ZR...
IGBT Modules VCES-1200V IC-75A High speed IGBT in NPT technology Low inductance fetures applications MG75HF12LEC1 Features- High speed IGBT in NPT technology - Low switching losses - High short circuit capability(10us) - Including ult...
FRD-1200V Vertical Continuous Band Sealer With Solid-ink printer Summarize: FRD-1200 multi-purpose ink sealing machine is a model of automatic plastic film sealing machine, which integrates color printing, sealing, continuous transmission of products, with clean and bright pattern ...
Yokogawa横河ZR22/ZR402单通道氧浓度分析仪系统型号: ZR22G, ZR22S, ZR402G, ZR22P, ZR22R, ZR22V, AC1, MC1, M1233SR, IAC-24, WZ-H, M1234SE-A, M1200DB-06
Module Number SKiiP 25AC126V1 Description In Stock Warranty 1 year VCES in V 1200 V ICnom in A 50 A Technology IGBT 3 (Trench) Housing MiniSKiiP II 2 (59x52x16) Switches Six Pack Application Inverter up to 28 kVA Typical motor power 15 kW Product Description Co...
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Wide Tempereture Range Fast Switching Gate Power Thyristor Kk800A 1200V/1800V (Prices are for reference only, please consult the salesperson for specific prices.) Fast Switching Thyristor is a fast turn off semiconductor device,also called "Inverter Thyristor","Fast ...
DC 71.4V 15A 1200W Low Temperature Charger for 17s 60V 62.9V Li-ion/Lithium Polymer Battery with Pfc with CE for Electric Golf Cart Gardening Tools, Find Details and Price about Li-ion Battery Charger Lithium Battery Charger fro...