#zotero#不能同步了,显示request timed out,官网也很难打开,是被墙了还是我的网络出问题了😣我挂全局代理也无济于事😣 û收藏 转发 3 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...微关系 他的关注(125) 学霸课长 科技的那些事 半杯馊茶 ...
修改后 Zotero 会询问重启,绝大多数配置会丢失,因此应首先修改。 设置同步账户并取消内置附件同步注册 Zotero 账户,在首选项→同步→设置中填写账号密码。注册过程含Google人机验证,须科学上网。 取消首选项→同步→设置中文件同步下面两个选项的勾选。Zotero 免费账户仅含 300 MB 空间,且仅用于同步附件,故取消内置文...
请问一步一步下来,然后提问文章讲了什么显示的错误时request timed out该怎么解决 2023-08-15· 中国台湾 回复1 Riemann 浪得过客 识别文档格式是啥意思呀PDF不行吗,我看很多教程都是直接用PDF打开的 01-27· 福建 回复1 浪得过客 Riemann 你要点击识别文档那个格式,PDF不行。 2023-12-15· ...
Sorry, not available. Using "Better BibTex Debug Report" yields an error during submission. The error says "Request timed out (ACURV6H-euc, references: true)". hestehleadded thebuglabelNov 17, 2019 Sorry, something went wrong. label-gunbotadded theawaiting-user-feedbacklabelNov 17, 2019 ...
Error: Request timed out Owner windingwind commented Jul 25, 2022 经测试,百度API和DeepL free API都反馈下列错误,可否修复呢 [Request Error] Engine not available, invalid secret, or request too fast. Use another translation engine or post the issue here: https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-...
}if($session['age'] >$this->sessionLifetime) {$this->error($this->apiVersion >=9?403:500,'SESSION_TIMED_OUT',"Session timed out"); } $userID = $session['userid']; $ipAddress = $session['ipAddress']; } $updated = Z_Core::$MC->set("syncSession_{$sessionID}",array('sessi...
trigger_error("Creator index $pos out of sequence for item $this->id", E_USER_ERROR); } $lastPos++; } $shardID = Zotero_Shards::getByLibraryID($this->_libraryID); $env = []; Zotero_DB::beginTransaction();try{/// New item, insert and return id//if(!$this->id || (empty...
[JavaScript Error: "HTTP request to has timed out after 15000ms" {file: "chrome-extension://nmhdhpibnnopknkmonacoephklnflpho/zotero.js" line: 306}][JavaScript Error: "HTTP request to https://http://kns.cnki.net/KNS8/manage/ShowExport?filename=GDGX20231116001&...
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