1. 报错:Request time out: 我配置好之后跟 GPT 打招呼,TA 会回我,但是 “这篇文献讲了什么?”的回答会报错,说响应超时。这时我发现,在配置 api 时我使用的是第一个网址(Host1)。试了试换成第二个网址(Host2),就不会再报这个错了。 2. 报错:免费 API 限制模型输入 token 小于 4096: 产生上述报错,...
1. 报错:Request time out: 我配置好之后跟 GPT 打招呼,TA 会回我,但是 “这篇文献讲了什么?”的回答会报错,说响应超时。这时我发现,在配置 api 时我使用的是第一个网址(Host1)。试了试换成第二个网址(Host2),就不会再报这个错了。 2. 报错:免费 API 限制模型输入 token 小于 4096: 产生上述报错,...
"runtimeExecutable": "npm", "runtimeArgs": ["run", "start"] }, { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Build", "runtimeExecutable": "npm", "runtimeArgs": ["run", "build"] } ] } 7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions 7 .vscode/settings.json Show comments Edit...
Open Zotero GPT [3] Set yourOpenAIsecret key [4] [1] Build the project Here is an example on how to build this project. For more information on how to build, please visit this project:https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-plugin-template ...
基于GPT & 笔记的论文概括自动生成 更新日志 1.8.9 Fix https://gitee.com/zotero-chinese/zotero-magic-for-user/issues/IB2RS1 1.8.6 修复:输出为PDF文件翻译失败 优化:输出为PDF时保留图片,可选择是否保留原文页面对照 优化:设置界面布局,设置更易懂 新增:支持SimpleTex解析,它和Doc2X类似,需要密钥(目前免费...
If you'd like a personalized walk-through of our data preparation tool, please request a demo and we'll be happy to show you how to get the best out of Zoho DataPrep. REGISTER NOW Create, share, and deliver beautiful slides from anywhere. Get Started Now Zoho Sign now offers sp...
service-azuregpt-dialog-close=Chiudi service-gemini-secret-pass=Configura service-gemini-secret-fail=Configura service-gemini-dialog-title=Configura Gemini service-gemini-dialog-endPoint=EndPoint service-gemini-dialog-prompt=Prompt service-gemini-dialog-save=Salva service-gemini-dialog-close=Chiudi ser...