ZEMAX | ZOS-API、ZPL 和 DLL 之间的区别 本文对 ZOS-API、ZPL 和DLL 进行了比较。我们将会对与 OpticStudio 的互联、代码执行、语句和数据存取与处理这些方面进行解释说明。概述在OpticStudio 中,用户可以通过编程(Programming) 选项卡访问 OpticStudio 的编程功能,如 Zemax编程语言( ZPL )、应用程序编程接口( ZOS...
打开语法帮助文件(Syntax Help File)。 在帮助文件(Help File)中,主接口被称为ZOSAPI.IOpticalSystem,它相当于一个单独的ZMX文件。 在示例文件中,第56行使用了主类IOpticalSystem或ZOSAPI.IopticalSystem,代码为:IOpticalSystem TheSystem = TheApplication.PrimarySystem;该行表示定义了称为TheSystem 的对象,该对象...
将视场类型 (Field Type)改为物高(Object Height):sysField.SetFieldType(ZOSAPI.SystemData.FieldType.ObjectHeight); 将归一化 (Normalization)改为径向(Radial):sysField.Normalization= ZOSAPI.SystemData.FieldNormalizationType.Radial; 使用视场向导 ...
当使用ZOS-API访问OpticStudio时,通常会运行诸如点列图(Spot Diagram)、调制传递函数(Modulation Transfer Function,MTF)或点扩散函数(Point Spread Function,PSF)之类的分析。不同的分析会生成不同类型的数据。ZOS-API支持以下数据类型: 通常,一种分析只返回一到两种数据类型。例如,快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transfo...
enums can appear anywhere ZOSAPI requires a discrete value from a built in setting, they are most often encountered as arguments to methods; anytime you see a method that has an argument starting with ZOSAPI.xxx then you will most likely need to use the constants dictionary to map the ...
using ZOSAPI; In the boilerplate template, four arguments are available. double Hx = TheApplication.OperandArgument1; double Hy = TheApplication.OperandArgument2; double Px = TheApplication.OperandArgument3; double Py = TheApplication.OperandArgument4; ...
Wrapper around the Zemax OpticStudio API. Provides a more pythonic and intuitive way to interact with the ZOS-API through python using a .NET connection. - GitHub - MREYE-LUMC/ZOSPy: Wrapper around the Zemax OpticStudio API. Provides a more pythonic and
A sample z/OS Connect API requester project showing how to call an OAS3 defined API from a CICS, IMS or standalone COBOL application. Equivalent PL/I applications are also provided. Introduction This Redbook API requester sample implements a very simple IBM Redbook information application written...
进入API接口 更多工具 站长的必备工具,用户可以通过权重查询、收录查询、反链查询、死链检测、关键词挖掘、网站速度测试等工具,全面了解网站表现和优化方向。 综合查询 网站SEO综合诊断工具 百度权重 百度关键词排名分析 友链检测 分析网站的友链概况 网站反链 网站页面反链/外链分析 关键词挖掘 相关关键词/长尾...