ticTheMFE = TheSystem.MFE;OptWizard = TheMFE.SEQOptimizationWizard;%Optimize for smallest RMS Spot, which is "Data" = 1OptWizard.Data = 1;OptWizard.OverallWeight = 1;%Gaussian Quadrature with 3 rings (refers to index number = 2)OptWizard.Ring = 2;%Set air & glass boundariesOptWizard....
使用序列优化向导 ( Sequential Optimization Wizard ) 在默认的评价函数中指定最小光斑半径 ( Minimum Spot Radius ) 和玻璃/空气的边界条件的目标值。如上图所示,使用以下代码来设置优化向导: # Merit functionsTheMFE = TheSystem.MFE; wizard = TheMFE.SEQOptimizationWizard;wizard.Type = 0; # RMSwizard.Dat...
この記事では、OpticStudioをインストールする際に提供されるZOS-APIサンプル ファイルの概要を説明します。この機能の初心者に役立ちます。 著者Tess Jacobs and Sandrine Auriol Introduction OpticStudioは、外部プログラムはOpticStudioが開かれたインスタンスと直接通信する (インタラクティブ モード)...
Let’s create a User Operand in C#, so we need to select C#>User Operand A Windows Explorer opens with the solution folder {Zemax}\ZOS-API Projects\CSharpUserOperandApplication1’.. Also, Visual Studio opens with your new solution. The solution contains a boilerplate code that can be used...
%Optimize for smallest RMS Spot, which is "Data" = 1 OptWizard.Data = 1; OptWizard.OverallWeight = 1; %Gaussian Quadrature with 3 rings (refers to index number = 2) OptWizard.Ring = 2; %Set air & glass boundaries OptWizard.IsGlassUsed = true; ...
ticTheMFE = TheSystem.MFE;OptWizard = TheMFE.SEQOptimizationWizard;%Optimizeforsmallest RMS Spot, whichis"Data"=1OptWizard.Data =1;OptWizard.OverallWeight = 1;%Gaussian Quadraturewith3rings (referstoindexnumber=2)OptWizard.Ring =2;%Setair & glass boundariesOptWizard.IsGlassUsed =true;OptWizar...
wizard.Type = 0; # RMS wizard.Data = 1; # Spot Radius wizard.Reference = 0; # Centroid wizard.Ring = 2; # 3 Rings wizard.Arm = 0; # 6 Arms wizard.IsGlassUsed = True; wizard.GlassMin = 3; wizard.GlassMax...
准直的入射光被聚焦为最小的RMS光斑半径,均匀射入视场中。 F 数为10,入瞳直径为 40 mm。 材料为 N-BK7。 光阑为位于透镜之后单独的表面,可以自由移动。 至少3片透镜,并且中心厚度不超过15mm。 透镜的边缘厚度最小为3mm,空气间隙最小为 0.5 mm 在脚本中,转到 “# Insert Code Here” 然后输入: TheSystem ...
%Optimize for smallest RMS Spot, which is "Data" = 1 OptWizard.Data = 1; OptWizard.OverallWeight = 1; %Gaussian Quadrature with 3 rings (refers to index number = 2) OptWizard.Ring = 2; %Set air & glass boundaries OptWizard.IsGlassUsed = true; ...