Zoom SDK Integration for Flutter This is a Flutter application that integrates the Zoom SDK provided in a separate git repository. The application allows users to join Zoom meetings using the meeting ID and password. Getting Started 1. Fork this repository to your local machine. 2 .Add the Zoo...
Bug Fixed on flutter pub run flutter_zoom_sdk:unzip_zoom_sdk command 0.0.9 Bug Fixed on flutter pub run flutter_zoom_sdk:unzip_zoom_sdk command IOS SDK implemented 1.0.0 Bug Fixed on flutter pub run flutter_zoom_sdk:unzip_zoom_sdk command IOS SDK implemented Bug Fixes 1.0.0+1 iOS Bu...
运行pub get后,必须运行以下脚本以首次获取Zoom SDK:
添加Zoom Android SDK后,可以通过以下几种方式将APK的大小缩小到5-10MB以内: 1. 混淆和优化代码:使用混淆工具(如ProGuard)对代码进行混淆和优化,以减小APK的大小。...
Customizing Zoom Options in Our Flutter PDF Viewer This guide demonstrates how to programmatically manage the zoom scale of a PDF page.Manual ZoomingPspdfkitWidgetController allows you to programmatically zoom to a specific scale or to an area of a PDF document page using the convenient zooming ...
运行颤振发布时出错运行zoom:unzip_zoom_sdk 我在我的颤振项目中使用了缩放:^1.0.3+1,但是每次我尝试运行flutter pub runzoom:unzip_zoom_sdk时,我都会得到以下错误: 将C:/src/skills/skillmonga/.dart_tool/pub/bin/zoom/unzip_zoom_sdk.dart-2.15.1.snapshot/ios/MobileRTC.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7 ...
anyRTCSDK新增支持Flutter跨平台移动框架的方式接入,开发者基于anyRTCFlutterSDK可以简单高效的实现跨平台音视频和实时消息功能。下面先给大家介绍一下什么是...,组件中的数据源需要由你通过 Native 端来提供。我们以iOS为例,iOS就需要提供CVPixelBufferRef。这是一个数据,对应的就是视频中的一帧画面。把这个数据作为数...
Flutter、小程序、Hybrid等; 6、在数据结构/算法/软件设计等方面拥有扎实的技术功底; 7、对实现高性能、高可用、优秀用户体验的APP应用有充分的了解和实践经验; 8、工作认真仔细,有强烈的责任感,有团队精神,性格乐观,能积极面对压力; 【经验】:具有5年及以上开发工作年限;有电商APP研发经验者优先;有端智能方向研发...
Adjust SDK v4.0.0 and later to map SDK parameters to Zoomd DSP parameters. Follow the guides linked below to use this feature. iOS|Android|Windows|Unity|React Native|Flutter|Adobe Air|Cordova|Marmalade|Xamarin|Cocos2d-x|Titanium|Corona
//github.com/create-teach-grow/flutter_zoom_sdk issue_tracker: https://github.com/create-teach-grow/flutter_zoom_sdk/issues environment: sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" flutter: ">=1.20.0" dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_web_plugins: sdk: flutter plugin_platform_interface: ^2.1.2 ...