Zoom SDK Integration for Flutter This is a Flutter application that integrates the Zoom SDK provided in a separate git repository. The application allows users to join Zoom meetings using the meeting ID and password. Getting Started 1. Fork this repository to your local machine. 2 .Add the Zoo...
Return meeting number & password on start meeting programmatically Customized Notification Icon & App name 0.0.8 Bug Fixed on flutter pub run flutter_zoom_sdk:unzip_zoom_sdk command 0.0.9 Bug Fixed on flutter pub run flutter_zoom_sdk:unzip_zoom_sdk command IOS SDK implemented 1.0.0 Bug Fixe...
运行颤振发布时出错运行zoom:unzip_zoom_sdk 我在我的颤振项目中使用了缩放:^1.0.3+1,但是每次我尝试运行flutter pub runzoom:unzip_zoom_sdk时,我都会得到以下错误: 将C:/src/skills/skillmonga/.dart_tool/pub/bin/zoom/unzip_zoom_sdk.dart-2.15.1.snapshot/ios/MobileRTC.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7 ...
Customizing Zoom Options in Our Flutter PDF Viewer This guide demonstrates how to programmatically manage the zoom scale of a PDF page.Manual ZoomingPspdfkitWidgetController allows you to programmatically zoom to a specific scale or to an area of a PDF document page using the convenient zooming ...
Objective-C编程语言,熟练使用系统库和主kanzhun流第三方库 3. 具有软硬件交互开发经验,熟悉蓝牙协议,Wi-Fi协议 4. 具有实际的iOS来自BOSS直聘应用性能优化经验;具有实际的模块化开发经验 5. 熟练掌握常用设计模式、多线程编程、基本网络通信协议(TCP、UDP、HTTP) 6. 具有移动端H5、Flutter开发经验优先,熟练掌握C...
anyRTC Flutter SDK :全面实现跨平台音视频互动 anyRTCSDK新增支持Flutter跨平台移动框架的方式接入,开发者基于anyRTCFlutterSDK可以简单高效的实现跨平台音视频和实时消息功能。下面先给大家介绍一下什么是...,组件中的数据源需要由你通过 Native 端来提供。我们以iOS为例,iOS就需要提供CVPixelBufferRef。这是一个数据...
//github.com/create-teach-grow/flutter_zoom_sdk issue_tracker: https://github.com/create-teach-grow/flutter_zoom_sdk/issues environment: sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" flutter: ">=1.20.0" dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_web_plugins: sdk: flutter plugin_platform_interface: ^2.1.2 ...
Flutter Zoom Plugin A Flutter plugin for the Zoom SDK. Note: This plugin is still under active development, and some Zoom features might not be available yet. We are working to add more features. Feedback and Pull Requests are always welcome. Features Stream meeting status. Join meeting. Sta...
import com.decodedhealth.flutter_zoom_plugin.FlutterZoomPlugin;missing on the example, but it is a generated file so... it should work. The exact same meeting_screen.dart on the example and adding flutter_zoom_plugin: git: url: git://github.com/decodedhealth/flutter_zoom_plugin.git ref: ...
Deploy theopenmeeting-server Build project Step 1: Update dependencies. cdopen_meeting/fluttercleanflutterpubget Setp 2: Setup theserver host. // openim_common/lib/src/config.dartstaticconst_host="";<~Enterthe server address (IPor domain name) ...