Zooming in or zoning out: examining undergraduate learning experiences with zoom and the role of mind-wandering Author links open overlay panelJoseph T. Wong a, Almaz Mesghina b, Edward Chen a, Natalie Au Yeung a, Bella S. Lerner a, Lindsey Engle Richland aShow more Add to Mendeley Share...
Zoom out, and you display the big picture. Zoom in, and you show details. Writing works the same. The best writing combines satellite-style zooming out with telephoto-like zooming in. When zooming in, you see the mother lion licking her young; you see the bee gathering honey from a clov...
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ZOOM IN PIN NEST STRUCTURE, TEST VEHICULE HAVING T 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Removable securing device against theft, a protection against shocks on the doors and wings of a vehicule Removable device for securing against theft, a protective foam doors and wings of a vehicle against imp...
Zoom in pin nest structure, test vehicle having the structure, and method of fabricating the structureA test vehicle () comprises a substrate (), a plurality of nested serpentine lines () on the substrate, and a plurality of test pads () on the substrate. Each serpentine line has a ...
No breakout rooms as you have in Zoom No transcripts such as the ones you get in Zoom for business plan Limited features for interactive sessions. For example, Skype doesn’t offer whiteboards 2. Vimeo LiveVimeo is a live streaming solution that allows businesses to broadcast in full HD, wi...
Some strategic conversations are hard to navigate remotely, especially when they involve multiple participants and require creativity, concentration, and collaborative thinking. In these cases, a well-thought-out visual quiz can do wonders. When used correctly, a Zoom quiz can provide structure while ...
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