SupportsZoom In/Zoom Out. 支持放大和缩小 It is the ideal user interface element for use when your users needtozoom-inorzoom-outofyour data visualizations. 它是理想的用户界面元素,可以根据用户需要,放大或缩小您的可视化数据区域。
登录享受更多精彩内容 立即登录 展开 日常英语口语:放大zoom in、缩小zoom out;居然拿妹妹照片做解说哈哈哈哈 分享 收藏 点赞评论0 最热评论 评论 下载大神APP 领福利 / 攻略百科 / 查战绩语言(language) | 中文 友情链接 网易游戏CC直播网易电竞NeXT网易藏宝阁手游那点事游侠网网易游戏充值助手 Copyright 网易公司版...
读音:美英 zoom in zoom out基本解释 放大缩小 分词解释 zoom嗡嗡作响 out出局 zoom in zoom out是什么意思 zoom in zoom out怎么读 zoom in zoom out在线翻译 zoom in zoom out中文意思 zoom in zoom out的解释 zoom in zoom out的发音 zoom in zoom out意思是什么 zoom in zoom out怎么翻译 zoom in zo...
The meaning of ZOOM is to move with a loud low hum or buzz. How to use zoom in a sentence.
The meaning of ZOOM is to move with a loud low hum or buzz. How to use zoom in a sentence.
分享一篇文章。 英语汇 原创 帕特里克英语汇超有货的英语学习博客在手机或者电脑上浏览照片的时候,要放大或者缩小照片,通常会用到两个词组:zoom inzoom out一不小心,就会以为 zoom out 是放大照片,因为有“向外就是扩大”这个惯性思维,但 zoom in 才是“放大”。zoo...
zoom outAlso found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Wikipedia. zoom out 1. To make an object or image look smaller or farther away or to produce a wider perspective of it through the use of an optical device or a digital simulation. The film opens on a peaceful, ordinary home, before the ...
Zoom in和zoom out是摄像技术中的两个重要概念,它们描述了镜头操作的两种不同方式。Zoom in意味着使用变焦镜头将场景或对象放大,使其更详细或聚焦,通常用于强调细节或集中注意力。例如,"The best leaders know when to zoom in and when to zoom out",表明优秀的领导者懂得何时深入关注,何时适当...
As your fingers move apart, the screen zooms in. To zoom out, do the reverse: Move your thumb and index finger toward each other while keeping each pressed to the screen. Any two fingers can be used to zoom in and out on an iPhone or iPad, but for most people, the thumb and index...
zoom out表示缩小。在ps或者绘图软件中,放大与缩小工具通常以放大镜图标示,英文表述为zoom in对应放大操作,zoom out则表示缩小。