Hackensack Meadowlands District Official Zoning Map 来自 rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu 喜欢 0 阅读量: 12 作者: NJEDL 摘要: This is the official zoning map of the Hackensack Meadowlands district. Includes zoning designations and routes of transportation. 年份: 2004 ...
21 22 23 29 28 27 26 12 07 08 13 18 17 10th Ave N 24 19 Lake Worth Rd 20 25 30 29 32 33 34 35 36 31 32 Lantana Rd 41 40 39 38 37 42 41 05 04 03 02 01 06 05 04 08 09 10 11 12 07 08 ZONING QUAD 33 Zoning District Map of Palm Beach County August 19, 2019 !!
The groups charge that approval of the zoning commission’s map amendment will allow developers to proceed without review hearings and cut residents out of a process for which they would typically have input. Empower DC said the city’s poor track record for replacing demolished pu...
This work aimed to map areas of forest fire risk in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Study area is located in Brazilian Midwest region. Defined risk factors were: land-use, vegetation, slope, terrain orientation, proximity to roads and trails, altitude, precipitation, water deficit, ...
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) The BCC, in accordance with the procedures, standards and limitations of this Article shall consider the following types of development order applications: 1) Official Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning); 2) Class A conditional use; 3) Requested use; 4) ...
Severability 42 If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, word, map, diagram, or any other 43 item contained in this Ordinance is for any reason held by the Court to be unconstitutional, 44 inoperative, void, or otherwise invalid, such holding shall not affect the remainder of ...
In this paper, with a careful consideration of the typical natural conditions and the demands of the local people of the BLJW, the InVEST model, a widely used GIS-tool collection developed under the Natural Capital Project (Sharp et al., 2020), is used to quantify and map the ESs of th...
Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks Zoning MAP 15 - Offshore Shoalwater Bay 2011 来自 elibrary.gbrmpa.gov.au 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者: GBRMP Authority 关键词: Map DOI: http://hdl.handle.net/11017/611 年份: 2011 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
Distance to town centres POIs from Baidu Map Density of road network Openstreetmap Neighbourhood Urban neighbourhoods Land use maps (7 × 7 extended Moore neighbourhoods) Non-urban neighbourhoods Land use maps (7 × 7 extended Moore neighbourhoods) a http://www.gscloud.cn. b https://www.op...
The ecological function zoning is carried out according to the resolution of the selected index spatial distribution map and the value of each index. When dividing the quantity of ecosystem services, use quantity (median) to divide important areas and non-important areas, and divide the quantity ...