GIS helps the DC Office of Planning understand, plan, and communicate zoning changes to historic districts.
It was an amazing run, and thank you to everyone who read the site, commented on the site (I already miss you guys!), sent tips, and helped me learn the ropes of commercial real estate and zoning and whatnot. I took my first pictures of the neighborhood in the fall of 1999, so 1...
Zoning:R5A Financial Considerations Price Per Sq. Ft.:$862.61 Association Fee:$550 Assoc Fee Freq.:Monthly Assessment Year:2022 City/TownTax:$6,819 City/TownTax Freq:Annually County Tax Freq:Annually Tax w/Assessment:$921,010 Tax Amount:$6,819 ...
Zoning:D-4-R Financial Considerations Price Per Sq. Ft.:$748.12 Assessment Year:2022 City/TownTax:$4,585 City/TownTax Freq:Annually County Tax Freq:Annually Tax w/Assessment:$624,810 Tax Amount:$4,585 Tax Year:2022 Terms:Standard Sale ...
Fig.7 Structural zoning map of Chuanjing Depression 由于川井坳陷为近物源堆积产物,具有近物源、多物源、小水系粗碎屑等沉积背景,岩屑成分复杂,来源众多。平面分布上在不同源区边缘物质组成不同,近花岗岩蚀源区的南部断陷盆地,以花岗岩岩屑为...
Fig.6 Risk zoning map of flood detention basin 3.3 洪水演进数值模拟 在蓄洪能力分析中对蓄滞洪区的蓄滞容量、淹没面积进行了分析,前提是洪水瞬间完成淹没。但在实际过程中,从蓄滞洪区开闸蓄水到蓄洪完成,是一个动态的过程,即使是同一淹没高程,洪水到达...
Hackensack Meadowlands District Official Zoning Map 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 12 作者: NJEDL 摘要: This is the official zoning map of the Hackensack Meadowlands district. Includes zoning designations and routes of transportation. 年份: 2004 ...
zoningmapofJilinProvinceꎬ BureauofGeology andmineralresourcesofJilinProvinceꎬ 1988) 吉林省内已知最古老化石记录是在东南部的临 局环境监测研究院的支持下ꎬ 自2019 年开始针对 江、 浑江等地发现的微古植物化石和叠层石 [35] ꎮ 源调查及研究工作ꎬ 共调查了吉林省全境内 100余 始逐渐增多ꎮ 省内的...
Agency: Office of Planning and Zoning, Cultural Resources Section Tour Stop Catalog Index To find the associated MSA catalogue references for each tour stop in this Story Map, please click below. Tour Stop Index House Speaker Busch In Memorium ...
经研究认为,克 拉通盆地边缘沉积受构造相对活动期和平静期交替控制,在岩相上表现为滞流盆地相发展为陆棚 相,最后发展为较稳定的碳酸盐岩台地相的交替出现。关键词:层序地层;沉积相;米仓山地层小区;克拉通盆地边缘沉积 中图分类号:P534. 4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-6248(2022)02-0128-07Sequence ...