在ZnAc2电解质中拟合得到的Zn-OW配位距离为1.92Å,在ISE中拟合得到的Zn-I配位距离为2.60Å。对于水结构,FTIR中的O-H拉伸振动反映了氢键网络的存在。随着NH4I的加入,在3057.9 cm-1处出现了N-H拉伸振动峰。强氢键水减少(3256.8 cm-1...
相比之下,在Ar气氛中,即使在20 h后,Zn/BQPH 电池的电压也只能从0.30 V上升到0.44 V,这只是由去除电负荷后的弛豫行为引起的。 为了进一步了解这样的氧化还原过程,作者进行了各种原位测试,包括FTIR、拉曼光谱和XPS,以分析图3c中空气充电过程中选定状...
在ZnAc2电解质中拟合得到的Zn-OW配位距离为1.92 Å,在ISE中拟合得到的Zn-I配位距离为2.60 Å。对于水结构,FTIR中的O-H拉伸振动反映了氢键网络的存在。随着NH4I的加入,在3057.9 cm-1处出现了N-H拉伸振动峰。强氢键水减少(3256.8 cm-1),弱氢键水增加(3552.0 cm-1,图2d)。因此,I-可以参与Zn2+的配位壳,...
为了进一步研究肼氧化过程,测试了Mo2C/Ni@C/CS的原位FTIR光谱。如图3e所示,在1635和3274 cm-1处可以检测到两个频带的强度明显降低,这表明N-H随着过电位的增加而减少,进一步验证了HzOR过程中的脱氢过程。 图4 Zn-Hz电池的电化学性能. (a) 电池结构示意图. (b) 不同电流密度下的恒流充放电曲线. (c) 充放...
以葡萄柚果皮为原料制备N掺杂生物质碳材料CP,并通过FTIR、SAED、HRTEM、EDS及XPS测试,充分证明了γ-MnO2的成功合成,Mn、O、C、N元素的均匀分布及γ-MnO2与γ-MnO2在CP上的成功负载。图2. 理论计算。Zn2+嵌入γ-MnO2和γ-MnO2@CP隧道结构模型的(a)MSD、(b)Eads、(c)Bader电荷的理论计算结果。由理论...
Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) are valid to identify the components and chemical bonds of the SEI film. Other advanced characterization method, such as neutron scattering, synchrotron X-radiation (...
The magnetic and dielectric characteristics of Co鈥揨n nanoferrites were improved by Cr3+doping. Analysis using XRD, FTIR, and FESEM reveals the cubic spinel phase for CZC nanoferrites. The lattice constant first rises forx=0.10 and then falls with increasingxforx>0.10. The ferrite samples ...
FTIRZnO nanowires were synthesised in a green and novel, two-step process: (1) the production of Zn nanowires by carbo-thermal reduction of a mixture of ZnO/biopitch (Eucalyptus sp. tar pitch) at 900°C for 1 h in a quartz tube placed in an electric furnace in a N2 atmosphere and ...
[63]. Meanwhile, the in situ SIMS can reveal the chemical composition of plane atomic layers and can be used to identify the molecular structure of organic components. The 1,4,5,8-naphthalene diimide (NI) is investigated via ex situ Raman measurements in situ ATR-FTIR(Fig.5d), suggesting...