zmq_socket_monitor(3) ØMQ Manual - ØMQ/4.1.0 Name zmq_socket_monitor - 注册一个监控回调函数 Synopsis intzmq_socket_monitor (void*socket,char* *addr,intevents); Description zmq_socket_monitor()函数会产生一个PAIR类型的socket,用来把socket状态改变(事件)通过inproc://传输方式广播到制定的终结...
关闭socket zmq_close() intzmq_close(void*socket); socket事件监控 zmq_socket_monitor() intzmq_socket_monitor(void*socket,char**addr,intevents); zmq_socket_monitor()函数会生成一对sockets,publishers端通过inproc://协议发布 sockets状态改变的events; 消息包含2帧,第1帧包含events id和关联值,第2帧表...
c_str()); std::cout << "Connecting client to " << connect << std::endl; // socket monitoring int rc = zmq_socket_monitor ((void*)client, "inproc://", ZMQ_EVENT_ALL); rc = pthread_create (&thread, NULL, dealer_socket_monitor, (void*)context); int more = 0; ...
void *monitor = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH);zsocket_connect (monitor, "ipc://%s-monitor.ipc", self);while (1) {sleep (randof (5));int burst = randof (15);while (burst--) {char task_id [5];sprintf (task_id, "%04X", randof (0x10000));// 使用随机的十六进制ID来标注任务...
(); void *client = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_REQ); zsocket_connect (client, "ipc://%s-localfe.ipc", self); void *monitor = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH); zsocket_connect (monitor, "ipc://%s-monitor.ipc", self); while (1) { sleep (randof (5)); int burst = randof (15);...
Issue description I found a very weird bug in my code that took me ages to debug. Here is what I was doing: create a ZMQ_STREAM put that STREAM socket in monitor mode (and open the ZMQ_PAIR socket associated) connect the STREAM socket to...
一、socket模块 socket又叫套接字,是网络编程中的一个基本组件,是两个端点的程序之间的“信息通道”...
l 通用socket是同步接口,zmq的socket是异步消息队列。 l 通用socket传输字节流stream或数据报datagrams,zmq的socket传输分散的messages。 l zmq的socket自动处理网络检测与重连。 l 通用socket支持1-1或1-N,zmq的socket只是N-N(不包括ZMQ_PAIR)。 zmq_socket()用于创建socket,绑定特定的socket类型,socket类型决定了...
zmq::socket_t socket (context, zmq::socket_type::rep); socket.bind ("tcp://*:5555"); while(true) { zmq::message_t request; // Wait for next request from client socket.recv (request, zmq::recv_flags::none); std::cout << "Received Hello" << std::endl; ...
There is zmq_socket_monitor. There is probably a Python binding for that too. If you set this up in your subscriber, masked for all events, and log what events are happening within the socket. Your code would need to repeatedly call zmq_poll for both the sub socket and the pair socket...