zmq_socket_monitor(3) ØMQ Manual - ØMQ/4.1.0 Name zmq_socket_monitor - 注册一个监控回调函数 Synopsis intzmq_socket_monitor (void*socket,char* *addr,intevents); Description zmq_socket_monitor()函数会产生一个PAIR类型的socket,用来把socket状态改变(事件)通过inproc://传输方式广播到制定的终结...
Issue description I found a very weird bug in my code that took me ages to debug. Here is what I was doing: create a ZMQ_STREAM put that STREAM socket in monitor mode (and open the ZMQ_PAIR socket associated) connect the STREAM socket to...
RepMonitor = RepContext.CreateMonitorSocket(RepEndpoint); Req = ReqContext.CreateSocket(SocketType.REQ); Rep = RepContext.CreateSocket(SocketType.REP); Req.Monitor(ReqEndpoint, ReqEvents); Rep.Monitor(RepEndpoint, RepEvents); EventRecorded =newManualResetEvent(false); ReqThread =newThread(ReqMonit...
ZeroMQ接口函数之 :zmq_bind - 绑定一个socket 2015-01-17 22:28 − ZeroMQ 官方地址 : zmq_bind(3) ZMQ Manual - ZMQ/3.2.5 Name zmq_bind - 绑定一个socket,接收发来的链... fengbohello 0 16933 ZeroMQ接口函数之 :zmq_connect - 由一个socket创...