This page provides the list of 5-digit zip codes corresponding to the area code 773.There are 206 zip codes corresponding to area code 773.You can click on the zip code to view the specific information, or check the list of all the 9-digit zip codes.
This page provides the query of 5-digit zip codes by area code. All U.S. area codes are listed below. You can click the area code to view all zip codes, or directly enter the area code through the search box to find the corresponding result. The data can be used for geographic ...
China Telephone area code and zip code (postal code) for china cities. International country codes and exit code for world countries. Country code of China is 86.
The city is home to a population of approximately 32,000 people, and is known for its high quality of life, excellent schools, and vibrant economy. Geography Menlo Park is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, in the heart of Silicon Valley. It is situated between the cities of Palo ...
Water Area:84 square miles Coordinates:-121.888701, 37.646862 Quick Link: Alameda, CA ZIP Code Boundaries Download ZIP Code Database Load Alameda County, CA Map Alameda County, CA Covers 73 ZIP Codes ...
Area Code & Zip Code Country Code: 86Major Cities:City Area Code Zip Code Beijing 10 100000 Chengdu 28 610000 Chongqing 23 630000 Dali 872 671000 Datong 352 037000 Dunhuang 937 736200 Guangzhou 20 510000 Guilin 773 541000 Guiyang 851 550000 Hangzhou 571 310000 Hohhot 471 010000...
wilkes-barre 718 - New York, New York (Bronx borough, brooklyn, queens, stenton island) 719 - Colorado Springs, Colorado 760 to California, Palm Springs and valley of the Kings The 770 goes to Georgia, Marietta 773 - Illinois, Chicago (except downtown 312 area code) area code 801-801....
Area Code Zip Code Beijing 10 100000 Chengdu 28 610000 Chongqing 23 404000 Dunhuang 937 736200 Guangzhou 20 510000 Guilin 773 541000 Guiyang 851 550000 Haikou 898 570100 Hangzhou 571 310000 Hohhot 471 010000 Huangshan 559 245000 Jinan 531 250200 Kunming 871 650000 Lanzhou 931 730100 Lhasa 891 8501...
Complete List Of All Nigeria Postal Code [Nigeria Zip Code List] Common CitiesCountyZip CodeLand Area Abbott Hill County 76621 188,308,000 Abernathy Hale County, Lubbock County 79311 449,247,000 Abilene Callahan County, Jones County, Shackelford County, Taylor County 79601 644,898,000...
The British took control of the area in 1664 and renamed it New York. The state was one of the original 13 colonies and was an important part of the American Revolution. New York City became the nation’s first capital in 1789 and remained the capital until 1790. The state was also an...