This page provides the query of 5-digit zip codes by area code. All U.S. area codes are listed below. You can click the area code to view all zip codes, or directly enter the area code through the search box to find the corresponding result. The data can be used for geographic ...
Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
China Telephone area code and zip code (postal code) for china cities. International country codes and exit code for world countries. Country code of China is 86.
Top China Travel lists China major cities area code list for checking. If you want to make a phone calling between two cities in China, this form will help you.
Complete guide on how to dial China with country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format...
Explore Virginia Area Code 434 Map and Social, Economic, Housing & Demographic Characteristics in 2025.
Complete list of US area codes by state. Select a state, find cities from area codes and reverse area code lookup.
Area codes for all of the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with information about overlays and splits. Look up by state or area code.
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