“max. ratio of compressed file size”是指允许的文件压缩比的最大值,即压缩后文件大小与解压缩后文件大小的比率的上限。这个值通常由库(如Apache POI)在内部设置,以保护系统免受zip bomb攻击。如果某个文件的压缩比超过了这个值,就表示该文件可能是一个zip bomb,因此会触发警告。 4. 提供解决“zip bomb”警...
1 Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data。This may indicate that the file is used to inflate memory usage andthiscould pose a security risk.You can adjustthislimit via Zipsecureile.setMinInflateRatio()ifyou need to...
读取excel报错Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data,完整报错信息如下所示。 java.io.IOException: Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data. This...
Primavera Unifier - Version 21.12 and later: Error: "Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data
I am trying to import an excel file in my flow and I get this error: Tried format excel but configuration is not OK: Failed to open Excel file, caused by: OpenException: Failed to open file, caused by: IOException: Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. rati...
JAVA读取PPT报错 Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data,完整报错信息如下所示。 java.io.IOException: Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data....
java.io.IOException: Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. 解决办法: 添加一行代码即可 ZipSecureFile.setMinInflateRatio(-1.0d); 1. 参考: FileInputStream file =newFileInputStream("D:\\newData.xlsx"); ZipSecureFile.setMinInflateRatio(-1.0d);...
用户上传文件的时候,报错“insert data occur error java.io.IOException: Zip bomb detected!”。 message: ""[QE5200003] insert data occur error java.io.IOException: Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data.\nThis may in...
I’m trying to parse an excel file with the “Excel Parser” snap and I’m getting the following error: Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data. This may indicate that the file is used to ...
解决办法: 添加一行代码即可 ZipSecureFile.setMinInflateRatio(-1.0d); 参考: FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream("D:\\newData.xlsx"); ZipSecureFile.se