, The message shows the error "Zip bomb detected" which refers to an attack vector in which a small zip file expands to an extremely large size when uncompressed to the point that it exhausts server resources - https://stackoverflow.com/a/44900653. Unfortunately this file canno...
LOG.error("Zip bomb attack detected, invalid sizes: compressed {}, uncompressed {}, name {}", compressedSize, uncompressedSize, entry.getName()); return true; } return false; } 代码示例来源:origin: spotbugs/spotbugs public ZipEntry newZipEntry(ZipEntry ze) { ZipEntry ze2 = new ZipEntry...
public static boolean isZipBomb(ZipEntry entry) { long compressedSize = entry.getCompressedSize(); long uncompressedSize = entry.getSize(); if (compressedSize < 0 || uncompressedSize < 0) { LOG.error("Zip bomb attack detected, invalid sizes: compressed {}, uncompressed {}, name {}", ...
{// size of uncompressed zip entry shouldn't be bigger of compressed in MAX_SIZE_DIFF timesprivatestaticfinalintDEFAULT_MAX_SIZE_DIFF =100;privateZipFile zipFile;privateZipInputStreamin;/** * 检查ZipBomb文件差异倍数,-1表示不检查ZipBomb */privateintmaxSizeDiff = DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE_DIFF;/*...
suggesting the involvement of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in a bomb explosion on 5 April in West Berlin's La Belle discothèque, a nightclub frequented by US servicemen. Among the alleged fatalities of the 15 April retaliatory attack by the United States was Gaddafi's adopted daughter, Hannah...
LOG.error("Zip bomb attack detected, invalid sizes: compressed {}, uncompressed {}, name {}", compressedSize, uncompressedSize, entry.getName()); return true; } return false; } 代码示例来源:origin: iBotPeaches/Apktool @Override public long getCompressedSize(String fileName) throws DirectoryExc...