Loans The deemed benefit per annum is calculated at a rate of LIBOR +5% of the loan amount advanced. Standard rate Value added tax (VAT) 15% Special initial allowance (SIA) Accelerated wear and tear Capital allowances % 25 25 Wear and tear: Industrial buildings Farm buildings Commercial ...
Zimbabwe boasts the highest adult literacy rate of any African nation but it also has the 3rd lowest per capita GDP in the world. The country is plagued by high unemployment, economic hardship, crime, and corruption. Not all African countries are in this situation, for example, Egypt gambling...
The gold price has been weakening because of anticipated interest rate hikes by the Fed, and this has driven a negative return on the gold coins since their launch. In addition, the growing increase in Zimdollar obligations amid the severe withdrawal of liquidity means that any additional Zim...
"Directors encouraged further efforts to enhance debt management and transparency. Directors recommended further monetary tightening, given the persistently high inflation," said the IMF. They also called for concerted efforts toward greater exchange rate flexibility by allowing a more transparent and market...
Previously, contractors receiving short-term funding would reportedly exchange it for foreign currency on the black market, leading to fluctuations in the exchange rate. “Let us be innovative in infrastructure financing,” Minister Ncube said at a high-level Zimbabwe Investment Summit in South Africa...
“This will reduce foreign currency and settlement risk for our international investors. The launch of VFEX will also deal with exchange rate risk from portfolio investment into the country,” said Prof Ncube. “As the Government of Zimbabwe, we saw an opportunity to work with the ZSE in crea...
The Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Professor Mthuli Ncube, had his budget approved recently and interestingly the new tax bands to be used for 2022 financial year are paged at parallel market rate of US$1 to ZWD250. The Zimbabwe Revenue Au
"We also have to understand their challenges and look at issues that touch on their profitability such as transport costs, rentals and so forth, we reduce the tax and then we calculate at what rate."We have to work these figures, but these have to come from studies. It requires a lot...
which is the highest rate at which it can be estimated. There of one bar of beads they make a thousand to a thousand four hundred montanas, which are bundles of strings of beads held together in the fashion of a horse’s tassel. These montanas in Bororo are worth two ma...
This also helps us to advise you on the right brand design for your website, so please take time to go through them to help you increase your conversion rate. What does your company do, and what is the purpose of your website? What are your products and services? What pages would ...